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Comorbidity Drives Risk of Death in Gout Patients
A study of men with gout from the US Veteran’s Health Administration (VHA) shows that excess mortality in gout could be attributed to comorbidities.
Read ArticleStable Low Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome in RA
A Nordic multinational collaborative study examined the risk of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in rheumatoid arthritis and found a less than 2 fold increased risk of ACS patients initiating biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) with little risk variation with short-ter
Read ArticleSLE Higher Risk of Postoperative Cardiac Events
ACR Open Rheumatology reports that systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients have a higher risk of postoperative major adverse cardiac events (MACE) that can be identified by common cardiac risk measures.
Read ArticlePoor Outcomes in Lupus Patients Not at Target
A prospective, longitudinal systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) cohort study examined outcomes and showed that failure to control SLE was common and associated with poorer outcomes including organ damage, glucocorticoid exposure, poor quality of life, and increased mortality.
Read ArticleEffect of Intraarticular Steroid Shots on Knee OA Outcomes
In patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, intra-articular injections of steroids did not increase rates of either disease progression or subsequent knee replacement surgery, researchers said.
Read ArticleAre Shoulder Conditions Incited by Vaccination?
A retrospective cohort study from Kaiser Permanente Southern California intramuscular vaccination given between 2016 and 2017 shows a small but significant increase in shoulder conditions, reported as an adverse event (AE) following intramuscular vaccination in the deltoid muscle.
Read ArticleAdalimumab Addition vs. Methotrexate Escalation in Psoriatic Arthritis
An interesting study in Lancet Rheumatology shows that psoriatic arthritis patients not responding to methotrexate alone can respond after adding or escalating adalimumab (ADA) on top of methotrexate (MTX) to reach minimal disease activity (MDA) response.
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