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ACR21 Best Abstracts We Saw - Day 3 (Monday)
The third day of ACR 2021 took a big leap in online content. Here is a compilation (with links) of presentations were the “ACRBest” as seen by our RheumNow faculty.
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great Thieves market
another dx to consider for ? inflammatory arthritis
swelling/stiffness post cold exposure
Microgeodic Disease-digital swelling/pain likely from bone infarction 2/2 to cold induced vasospasm
characteristic x ray/MRI findings on poster
#ACR21 #meded
Adam J Brown AdamJBrownMD ( View Tweet)

#ACR21 #IgG4 Q&A [Drs Stone/Perugino]
📌܄Igg4 in the blood/tissue is NOT diagnostic bec it can also be seen in others (malignancy..etc)
📌its more the presentation/ organ involvement see acr/eular guide:
LiSa ◡̈︎ rheumarhyme ( View Tweet)

Upadacitinib 56-wk efficacy/safety (mod to severe PsA)
🔹Comparable or ⬆️efficacy vs adalimumab
🔹Efficacy maintained, and 15mg vs 30mg doses similar at 56wks
🔹No new safety findings @ 56wks
🔹🚫inc risk VTE, MACE, cancer vs ada
#ACR21 Abst#1345 @RheumNow
Pedro Castillo _Castillo_Pedro ( View Tweet)

Echos in PsA, RA:
🔹Diastolic dysfxn: 52% of PsA and RA (!), controls 5%
🔹Mitral regurge PsA 84%, Ra 53%, controls 10%
🔹Mild pulmonary valve regurge higher in PsA
(Diastolic dysfxn has been seen in prior RA studies)
#ACR21 Abst1308 @RheumNow
Pedro Castillo _Castillo_Pedro ( View Tweet)

Supporting date for Ixekizumab in PsA with symptoms of axial involvement.
🔹Improvement in QoL (SF-36), ASDAS, BASDAI50
🔹Maintained at 52 weeks
🔹Stricter criteria (younger, ⬆️CRP) showed similar results
#ACR21 Abst#3147
Pedro Castillo _Castillo_Pedro ( View Tweet)

Calcium hyperproficiency is a rare complication of vitamin D deficiency, where excess calcium from bone resorption forms complex structures resembling primary teeth.
Neoformed teeth grow on different bones, such as this patient's hand, causing fractures and joint dysfunction.
Eduardo Valdés-Hevia 🦟 Valdevia_Art ( View Tweet)

Adults with #JIA #uveitis are still affected into adulthood. @Mara_Becker discusses visual outcomes #ACR21
Sheila Angeles-Han STHanMD ( View Tweet)

#ACR21 L06 Comparative Safety of Gout "Treat-to-target" and "Usual Care" Treatment Strategies on Cardiovascular Outcomes Using Observational Data: Causal Inference Approach Video interview (
Kazuki Yoshida kaz_yos ( View Tweet)

🆕 Updated 2021 ACR Guidance for Adjusting Immunomodulatory Therapy with the COVID-19 Vaccine in Patients with Rheumatic & MSK Diseases
Discussed at #ACR21 COVID-19 Hub!
V4 Link:
Mithu Maheswaranathan, MD MithuRheum ( View Tweet)

Prof. Cornelia Weyand wonderfully summarizes the mechanisms behind the premature immune #aging phenotype in #RheumatoidArthritis leading to tissue #Inflammation
🔸defect in mitoDNA repair
🔸expanded rough ER
🔸⬇ protein myristoylation
@RheumNow #ACR21 #RheumTwitter
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

Can you stop monitoring eyes in + ANA and/or pauciarticular pt who becomes an adult if no uveitis ever, in last 5 yrs, etc. When can we stop looking? #AVR21 @RheumNow
Janet Pope Janetbirdope ( View Tweet)

Telemedicine for AID patients! A fortunate pandemic outcome that PCPs shared "local" care benefit of specialists for these patients due to telemed. Abs 1062 #ACR21 @RheumNow #RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Very high serum IgG4 does not equal IgG4-related disease.
Most of the time (3/4 in this sample), IgG4>5xULN is IgG4-RD.
Some of the time, it's not. (Could be a long list of things)
Criteria are useful
High serum IgG4 alone isn't enough
@zach_wallace_md #ACR21 ABST1103 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Did you know?🤔Immune #aging:
🔖Begins at 20y and accelerates at 50y
🔖The older immune system is restructured (keep that in mind when diagnosing or treating these pts)
🔖Accelerated w/ chemotx, chronic infection etc.
@RheumNow #ACR21
sheila RHEUMarampa ( View Tweet)

#ACR21 Year in Review. Caielli et al. showed in some patients with #lupus, red blood cells retained their mitochondria (Mito+ RBCs) and their frequency correlated with disease activity and blood⬆️IFN @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

#ACR21 Year In Review highlighted the need to combat the root causes of socioeconomic disparities to improve functional status in #rheumatoid #arthritis @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

#ACR21 Year In Review: Factors associated with #COVID deaths in pts with #RMD:
⛔️age, male, HTN/CVD, lung disease, steroid>10mg/d, ⬆️disease activity
⛔️RTX (OR: 4), SFZ (3.6), other IS (2.2), No DMARDs (2.1) vs MTX monotherapy as reference @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

#Abstr0076 #ACR21 Can we predict #thrombosis in #lupus patients? Predictors of serology transition at 5yrs:
✅LAC+ to LAC-:Afro-American,HCQ and normal C3
⛔️LAC+ to 🩸Clot:Obesity, low C3 and not on HCQ
Data need in those with Triple Positivity @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)

#Abstr0002 #ACR21 What drives salt in saliva in #sjogren? A study suggested Bcell cytokines mediated the epithelial Na+ Channel disruption. A case for targeting Bcell to improve oral health @RheumNow
Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof ( View Tweet)