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Using MRI to Evaluate Knee Pain
Interim results from a randomized trial show that middle-aged patients with knee pain and suspected meniscal tears can benefit from MRI scans even in relatively simple cases.
Read ArticleASAS Imaging Recommendations for Suspected Spondyloarthritis
ASAS (Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society) has convened specialized task force to guide imaging request on patients with suspected/known axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA).
Read ArticleDeclining Menopausal Hormone Therapy in Postmenopausal Women
A two decade cross-sectional population study has shown a marked downward trend in menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), with an over 80% reduction, especially in women aged 52 - 65 years.
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CORRECTION!! UCB announced the LAUNCH of a new phase 3b BE BOLD trial - this study has no report results as yet. It WILL BE a H2H RCTcomparing bimekizumab & rizankizumab in adult #PsA pts using an ACR50 primary endpoint. Yesterday we incorrectly reported this as a completed…
