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Linger on the Fingers (9.6.2024)
Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from the past week on This week with a focus on fingers and better prescriptive follow through.
Read ArticleCAR-T Like Effects with Bispecific Teclistamab
A new chapter may have begun in the exciting story of "immune reset" therapy for difficult-to-treat autoimmune diseases, with a patient with severe refractory lupus obtaining drug-free remission after treatment with an antibody product normally used in multiple myeloma.
Read ArticleDoes Rheumatoid Factor Influence Anti-TNF Responses in RA?
Smolen and colleagues have published a subanalysis of the EXXELERATE study that showed while certolizumab pegol [CZP] concentrations and efficacy was unaffected by high titers of rheumatoid factor (RF), patients treated with adalimumab had a blunted response in the face of high RF titers.
Read ArticleUrticarial Vasculitis Overview
Urticarial vasculitis is rare and the causes often go undiagnosed. A Medscape recent overview highlights key features in the diagnosis and management of this rare disorder.
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