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The Greatest Rheumatologist - Part II

Wow! I hope you read part I of yesterday's “Greatest Rheumatologist” article.  So many big names and yet, other names and stories that were equally inspirational.

If you read the comments of the part I article you can clearly see several themes emerge.

  • The greats were more than notable, highly published, widely traveled famous rheumatologists. They made their greatest impact at home, with their daily work and with the example they set for their trainees and colleagues.  Excellence begins at home and is propagated through each patient or the next experiment.
  • The Greatest Rheumatologists are often at the head of a pedigree of many great rheumatologists who follow the legacy and amplify the work of their mentors.
  • While many were pioneers in science and immunology who left their mark for all to see, what was not seen was the discipline, dedication, and the mentor's “thundering velvet hand” in guiding the careers of many.
  • What I liked most are the stories. These stories typify the greatness and uniqueness of the mentor. These should be collected into a novel. It would be a rheumatology Best Seller.
  • This is but one sampling of suggestions. Lacking are the many great women who have pioneered Rheumatology, such as Mary Betty Stevens, Bevra Hahn, Barbara Ansell, Desiree van der Heidje, and many more. We need more women mentors and leaders as there will be more women in rheumatology in the future.
  • My Greats include working with the true greats – Dr. Morris Ziff, Dr. Peter Lipsky and Dr. Artie Kavanaugh. Each carries the trait of dogged determination for excellence and love of science and medicine. Each was first to the table and last to leave a lasting impression.
  • The unsung many great rheumatologists were well represented by a great comment from Dr. Alan Morton of Detroit who wrote about his uncle, Dr. Newt Rothenberg, who cared for “thousands of patients and remained under the radar for decades”.  Newt and many others are responsible for your success today. 

My best answer to this question is to requote Dr. Peter Merkel, that Metropolitian rheumatologist with a vascular proclivity, who wrote, “The greatest rheumatologist I know may be the next trainee with whom I work.  I hope to help nurture his or her enthusiasm for our fascinating field, guide a lifelong pursuit of learning, and provide the education and circumstances for this new rheumatologist to deliver exceptional care for many decades.”

My sincere thanks to the many rheumatologists who reflexively and quickly were inspired to write about their great mentor. It’s obvious these giants had a major effect on your career path, work ethic, devotion to patients, and passion for research and drive to make a change.  Congratulations to them and those of you who, by reading these articles, are inspired to recollect and remember why you are who you are.


Join The Discussion

Alan fischman

| Oct 26, 2017 5:15 pm

Hi Jack, I have loved reading your last two blogs about the greatest rheumatologist. I think we would be remiss by not adding another great and important name and a great woman as well, Dr. Naomi Rothfied. She not only trained me but literally dozens of other rheumatologists. Her training was, of course, at NYU with truly someof the " greats" but she also created one of the best training programs in the country at the University of Connecticut. When I was there way back in 1979- 1981 we had 3 future program heads there at the same time, Dr. Robert Zurier, Dr. Arthur Weinstein, and Dr. Joseph Korn. I know each of us have had a special rheumatologist in mind when asked and the list is impressive, but I did not want to leave this page without acknowledging Naomi's name. Dr. Alan Fischman

David S Knapp

| Oct 26, 2017 7:05 pm

Don't forget my chief Dr. Evelyn Hess when talking about great women rheumatologists. Dr. Joe Levinson at U. Cincinnati Children's Hospital was the forerunner of today's pediatric rheumatologists. Less known is my mentor Dr. Jack Zuckner who was a founding member of the ACR (ARA) in the early 1950's.

Paul H. Caldron

| Oct 28, 2017 4:21 pm

We have a rich legacy of great names that I have read and heard from over the years. All of us are imprinted by those that who saw our gaps in our novice days and gently filled them in, almost like a parent or older sibling. People like John Clough, a CCF emeritus, who could deliver the most complex science of our day so effectively that those of us in the incredibly average category could get it. The legendary names that have arisen from your solicitation should give our industry pride. Let me add to that the contemporaries, like you Jack, and Len Calabrese, who have nurtured so many of us here and abroad, not only through mentorship, but by embracing modern media to help us keep up. At CCF, Len has capably cultivated a generation of rational rheumatologists with clinical cognitive skills that have served us well throughout a career of change. It's privilege to serve in the ranks.

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