The RheumNow Week in Review – 7 April 2017 Save

Dr. Jack Cush reviews highlights from this week's meeting at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation - Biologics Summit VII; and of course a few other tweets and journal articles:
- Dr Ritchlin Risk factors for PsA: obesity, nail dystrophy, smoking, severe psoriasis, nail dystrophy, trauma, Fam Hx PsA, Rubella vaccination
- Dr. Ritchlin-30% psoriasis pts develop PsA, mechanisms unknown. enthesitis driven by biomechanical factors, arthritis involves IL-17, IL-23
- Psoriatic Genetics: Dr Chris Ritchlin shows HLA- C*0602 seen in 57% of Psoriasis patients, but only 28% of Psoriatic arthritis. #CCFSummit
- FDA approves 23andme to market genetic tests for Alzheimers,Parkinsons, celiac, dystonia, Gaucher, hemochromatosis
- Dr Torgerson Complement deficiency in SLE: C2 40% homozytotes get lupus GN; C4 - 75% get GN; C1q/r/s def 90% get SLE or GN, usually young
- Dr Troy Togerson humans make 100 billion PMNs qd, live ~6.5 hrs, removed by complement and phagocytes. "Neutrophils live fast and die hard"
- Dr Holers Mucosal evidence: IgA autoAb present, airway dz in ACPA+ FDR, IgA plasmablasts, dysbiosis (gut, periodontal) in At risk individuals
- Dr. Holers - Stopping smoking will reduced risk but data from Nurses Health Study says you need to be off for 20yrs…
- Dr M Holers shows 1st Degree relatives (FDR) about 16% are RF or CCP positive, increased by smoking @CCF Biologics Summit VII
- Dr McInnes -"RA synovium in inflammation tells us much, but the synovium in remission is likely to tell us more"
- Dr McInnes - in #RA the immune system dynamics change as the disease evolves; yet our therapies/approach unchanged and not keenly targeted
- Dr Iain McInnes "One of the major lessons in the last decade is that we are bad at choosing the right target" CCF Biologic Therapies Summit
- Statin Necrotizing myopathy review 100 pts, 65yrs, CK 6853, 100% HMG-CoA reductase Ab+, most on DMARDs
- FDA grants "breakthrough status" (expedited review) for Rituximab in Pemphigus Vulgaris based on recent Lancet study
- Abbvie announces that Humira is now FDA approved for use in severe finger nail psoriasis.
- FDAs Oncology Advisory Committee votes 11-0 approve subcutaneous rituximab for lymphoma & CLL. Given in minutes not hours
- Auranofin repurposed for use in cancer, resistant bacterial, fungal & parasitic infections
- Healthy Bones Formed During Adolescence
- Abatacept Use During Surgery
- The Great Masquerader.
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