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COVID 19 Updates from RheumNow


Pilot study of COVID+ pts treated with antiviral therapy PLUS either Baricitinib or HCQ x2wks shows no changes in clinical/lab outcomes with HCQ/v but better outcomes with Bari for death (0 v 4), CRP *8-->1mg/dl) & discharges (55% v8%) compared to HCQ

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow ( View Tweet )

4 years 5 months ago
NYC, NYU COVID infected Rheum pts (n 86 RA, PsA, AS, PsO, IBD); 16% Hospitalized. Hosp pts were more likely to be older, w/ HTN, DM, COPD, on Pred, HCQ, MTX, but less likely to be on JAKi, biologic, TNFi (vs ambulatory)
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow ( View Tweet )
4 years 5 months ago
ACR has published COVID-19 Recs -American College of Rheumatology Guidance for the Management of Adult Patients with Rheumatic Disease During the COVID‐19 Pandemic by Mikuls Johnson Fraenkel Arasaratnam Baden Bermas Chatham

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow ( View Tweet )

4 years 5 months ago
HCQ fails to prevent severe COVID19 in 17 SLE pts (w/ CKD, GN, APL, 12 pred, 7 on immunosuppressants).14 hospitalized, 13 viral pneumonia, 11 respiratory failure, 5 ARDS; 3 ARF. Despite good HCQ levels, 2 died, 5 on ventilator, 36% D/C, 1/2 still hosp.

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow ( View Tweet )

4 years 5 months ago
Health Canada issued a safety alert noting Chloroquine & hydroxychloroquine can have serious toxicities & should only be used under a physicians supervision. Due o concern that some may be directly buying/using CQ/HCQ to treat/prevent COVID-19

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow ( View Tweet )

4 years 5 months ago
Sanofi announced early results of phase 2 trial of IL6 inhibitor, sarilumab, showing benefit only in Critical COVID-19 pts. 457 pts given IV Kevzara 400 mg vs 200 mg vs PBO , high dose had fewer deaths (32 v 46 v 55%) & more D/C (53 v 39 v 41%).

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow ( View Tweet )

4 years 5 months ago
On April 24, FDA issued a Drug Safety Communication stating HCQ and CQ have not been shown to be safe and effective in COVID-19 and that HCQ/CQ should not be used outside of hospitalized or pts in clinical trials.

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow ( View Tweet )

4 years 5 months ago
The RheumNow Podcast is up! "In times of Trouble". Watch it here>> or listen to the podcast on iTunes or SoundCloud>>

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow ( View Tweet )

4 years 5 months ago
The RheumNow Podcast is up! "In times of Trouble". ABA and DM, Zostavax fails, 3d Doubling rate, population testing, HCQ in COVID; Watch it here>> or listen to the podcast on iTunes or SoundCloud>>

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow ( View Tweet )

4 years 6 months ago
There’s a saying that anyone driving faster than you is crazy and anyone driving slower doesn’t know how to drive. Similar with COVID-19: anyone taking more precautions than you has an anxiety issue and anyone taking fewer is an idiot.

Adam Cifu @adamcifu ( View Tweet )

4 years 6 months ago