AWIR: Why it's important for women to come together Save
Why does the Association of Women in Rheumatology (AWIR, pronounced AWARE) exist? Recalling a singular event several years ago prompted the action of four women to rectify the issue we were witnessing. Rheumatologists are increasingly female, and yet the leadership roles are still male dominant. Empowering females to amplify their own voices became our mantra and call to action.
Understanding gender differences in leadership styles, communication clues and negotiating tactics is important for any organization and society. Educating everyone about the differences and promoting women is paramount for our goals. Realizing the significance of female contributions in rheumatology leadership roles in the specialty can foster women in those roles. More female chairmanships, deans, principal investigators, chief of divisions and CEOs of health systems can only enhance our collective healthcare experiences for providers and patients.
Though the association name has women specifically named, all are included. Thirty percent of our membership is male. Fortunately, there are young and vintage male members, which enriches the male contributions significantly. While AWIR is 100% women led, having male sponsors, mentors and members enriches our community and advances our mission positively.
Advancing, advocating and advising women is promoted locally, nationally and internationally. Regional meetings are conducted by local chapter leaders across the United States, allowing women to lead in their own locale. Community building with activities and educational opportunities cultivates the members promoting a better work / life balance. With advocacy training by AWIR, state and federal Advocacy issues are handled by the local leader with AWIR guidance. CME educational efforts culminate at our Annual conference and regional Summits throughout the year in a hybrid fashion. With this format, national and international participation occurs with scientific, financial, practice management, leadership, advocacy, fellow presentations, poster sessions and workshop sessions for APPs and fellows, preceded by an Immunology Bootcamp. Our international chapters participate, allowing everyone to partake in this education. By collaborating with other specialties, our messaging for women is further enhanced. Internationally, AWIR is invited to multiple countries to assist women in advancing their roles in rheumatology. Collaborative studies, international chapters and educational programs have been created as a result of these global efforts. Our international members have been able to amplify their scholarly and advocacy work efforts in their countries through our conference and organizational efforts.
As a founding member of this extraordinary organization, I am so proud of the collective efforts of our female and male members in promoting our mission: To promote the science and practice of rheumatology, foster the advancement and education of Women in Rheumatology, and advocate access to the highest quality health care, and management of patients with rheumatic diseases.
Empowering women empowers a society, organization and nation to greatness!
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An explanation for AWIR existence.
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