EULAR 2021 Best Abstracts - Day 1 Save

The RheumNow faculty reporters have been scouring the Posters and Presentations from virtual EULAR 2021. Several of these are novel enough to be worthy of your consideration. Below is the list of most often retweeted abstracts from Day 1.
- Dr Kragsnaes presents counter-intuitive data on the gut microbiome. Faecal microbiota transplant ineffective in treating active peripheral psoriatic arthritis, leading to WORSE outcomes. But maybe this also tells us something? @RichardPAConway
- AxSpA patients more likely to experience IBD and uveitis whereas axPsA more likely to experience dactylitis and enthesitis per Dr. Philip Mease's study among real-world patients in CorEVitas' Psa/Spa Registry. Abst#OP0049 @MeralElRamahiMD
- The Global registry data: treatment w/ RTX or JAK associated to poorer prognosis RA patients compared to TNFi while ABA or TCZ show no significant risk increase. Analysis adjusted for some confounding factors including comorbidities and GC use. #OP0006 @AurelieRheumo
- Word to the wise: don't get GCA if you don't want T2DM, cataracts, or weight gain. PMR's not great either. We need to do better by our PMR and GCA patients. Suggestive early data from @VasculitisUMCG @drdavidliew
- Promising preclinical data of novel dual BAFF/APRIL inihibitor ALPN-303 re:efficacy & immunomodulatory activity vs TACI-i. Could deplete plasma cell compared to anti-CD20 mAbs in #SLE. Be interesting to see how it’ll fare in future clinical trials #EULAR2021 #OP0039 @Yuz6Yusof
- ProDERM OP0008: IVIG 2g/kg q4w for dermatomyositis vs PBO, open-label extension. TIS score responders 78% vs 43%. IVIG great option: Not immunosuppressive and works fast, watch for headache, pyrexia, nausea, risk of VTE. @ejdein1
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