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Excited About ACR Convergence 2020

Will I still be able to achieve my aims with the meeting going virtual? There is much to learn not only from the impact of COVID-19 on patient care but also on how we deliver education and training. In the aspect of telemedicine, we have delivered new ways of interacting with our patients through virtual clinics. There is also the aspect of virtual education and how this can be delivered for the rheumatology community.

I’m delighted to see these opportunities on the program:

  • Meeting up with speakers and panelists to the ACR Convergence community hubs.
  • Virtual poster and abstract presentations, including the opportunity to view all posters right now. 
  • Interacting with poster presenters throughout the whole meeting using the virtual platform. Viewing over 1700 posters is difficult when we have a big meeting but to have the virtual platform we have the opportunity to do this now. This may actually work to our benefit and will be a good trade off in going virtual. 

I always think of why I attend the ACR: to gain new information and knowledge and bring it back to my clinic for my patients. Attending the meeting also gives me the opportunity to network with colleagues around the world. When we do this we get perspective. Perspective is everything. There is a bridge between the evidence base and science and the art in medicine and rheumatology. This will be a really exciting meeting. 

Follow me on @synovialjoints for updates from #ACR20



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