Watch rheumatologists Dr. Roy Fleischmann and Dr. Janet Pope discuss treatment options for patients with RA who have failed a TNFi. The experts consider switching to an alternate MOA vs cycling to another TNFi.
Listen as rheumatologists Dr. Philip Mease and Dr. Saakshi Khattri share their insights on using composite measures to manage patients with psoriatic arthritis. In this podcast, they discuss four composite measures used in trials of an IL-23 inhibitor.
Discover how you can apply the concept of disease modification in lupus and lupus nephritis to help treat patients in your clinical practice. View our infographic and walk through an interactive patient journey towards disease modification.
Also, listen to leading expert Dr. Michelle Petri to learn about scientific advances in monitoring for renal damage accrual in lupus nephritis.
Tune in as rheumatologists Dr. Christina Charles-Schoeman and Dr. Roy Fleischmann discuss how you can help mitigate cardiovascular risk in your patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Nine videos discussing gender differences in axSpA, PsA, Vasculitis, Lung Disease, Osteoporosis, Disparities in Healthcare, and Rheumatologic Activity and Treatment, are now available.
Leading experts from the SLE Educators’ Network discuss how biologic therapies may help address key unmet needs in lupus, while highlighting how clinicians can identify the most appropriate patients for biologic treatment.
Dr. Mease and Dr. Armstrong discuss a multidisciplinary approach and important considerations when treating patients with joint and skin concerns. Ages 18+; for HCPs only.
Plaque psoriasis (PsO) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are disorders of the immune system driven primarily by dysregulated T cells. Studies suggest that the Interleukin (IL)-23/Th-17 axis is one of the pathways involved in the pathogenesis of PsO and PsA.
Leading experts from the SLE Educators' Network take us through the pathophysiology of SLE as we understand it today, and discuss the need to change the course of disease as a key treatment goal.