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Mental Health

TheDaoIndex @KDAO2011 @UnaMakris wants us to shift our approach to #GeriRheum. #RNL2025– remember the 5 M’s Multimorbidity Mind Medications Mobility what Matters most
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
The ‘dark’ side of #Hidradenitis #suppurativa 👇 Smell of leaking lesions #HS ⬆️skin folds, buttock, axilla, also thighs, neck ⬆️depression @RheumNow #RNL2025 ‘ If pt doesn’t get in gown then not ready for systemic #Rx!’ Jennifer Clay #ClinicalPearl
Janet Pope @Janetbirdope( View Tweet )
Risk factors for development of PsA in psoriasis. Psoriasis severity, obesity, and depression. @alexisogdie @RheumNow @RNL2025
Richard Conway @RichardPAConway( View Tweet )
Predicting #PsA PRESTO study #obvious risks are #predictive Alexis R Ogdie ⁦@RheumNow⁩ #RNL2025 bad PsO 2X ^PsA High BMI Depression Modifiable risks #psoriasis #psoriatic #arthritis
Janet Pope @Janetbirdope( View Tweet )
@UnaMakris #RNL25 @RheumNow Older patients w RA 1/3 of pts onset >60-65 - More acute onset, more systemic, more PMR-like, larger jts - Higher IL-6, lower TNF-a, less RF, higher ESR -Co-morbidities, polypharmacy, cognition, depression Age does not equal frailty, but does correlate
Eric Dein @ericdeinmd( View Tweet )

Drug Naming Games (2.7.2025)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news, regulatory and journal reports from the past week on

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How did Rheumatology go from being the happiest specialist to now being 5th from the bottom at 65%? Top heavy happiness seems to be influenced by income? what do you think? Allergy 94% Pathology 88% Dermatology 87% .... Rheum 67% Internal med 66%...
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Weak Data (1.24.2025)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from, and features Dr. Charity Dean, the Keynote speaker at RheumNow Live 2025, and why she is an inspiration.

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A substantial # of pts with inflammatory arthritis (IA) are not receiving adequate treatment for depression and anxiety(same as those IA-free controls). Canadian study of 6,951 w/ IA & depression, on 50% recv treatment & 20% psych. Rx for depression. Similar for 3,701 w/ IA &…

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Online survey of 1,531 in 2019 showed that rural women have greater psychological and physical burdens than their suburban/urban women - with more mood swings, muscle and joint pain, vaginal dryness and urinary problems .
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Although there is a bidirectional relationship betw pain and sleep, Sleep impairment more strongly predicts pain than pain does sleep. Addressing sleep disturbances is crucial, as it is linked to higher levels of disability, depression, pain-related catastrophizing.…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
CorEvitas registry study of 1823 psoriatic arthritis pts found that 11.1% fulfilled the fibromyalgia definition and 20.6% fulfilled the widespread pain definition. Factors assoc w/ FM: female, depression, anxiety, impaired function, BMI & #of comorbidities.…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

54K Peptic Ulcers Annually (12.13.2024)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from the past week on

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CorEvitas registry study of 1823 psoriatic arthritis pts found that 11.1% fulfilled the fibromyalgia definition and 20.6% fulfilled the widespread pain definition. Factors assoc w/ FM: female, depression, anxiety, impaired function, BMI & #of comorbidities.…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Why should rheumatologists care about aging?

The global population is aging and none of our rheumatic diseases are immune to the impact of the complexities and so-called “geriatric syndromes”, including sarcopenia, frailty, falls and cognitive impairment, associated with the aging process. Whilst we are increasingly aware of these

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Cognitive Impairment: The Hidden Burden in Lupus Care Suppose you have a patient with SLE returning for follow-up. Their joint symptoms are well controlled. The kidneys—managed with a combination of biologic DMARD and mycophenolate—show no signs of active urinary sediment or…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
axSpA: Moving the needle in time to diagnosis The journey to axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) diagnosis is often prolonged and challenging. Understanding the factors contributing to the delays is important to improve the clinical, psychological, social and economic outcomes.…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Cognitive Impairment: The Hidden Burden in Lupus Care

Suppose you have a patient with lupus returning for follow-up. Their joint symptoms are well controlled. The kidneys—managed with a combination of biologic DMARD and mycophenolate—show no signs of active urinary sediment or protein. Yet, during the routine visit, your patient brings up fatigue

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If your pt with #rheumatoid #arthritis is #exhausted - there is a reason #Meta-analysis of 70000 RA Pts #Insomnia is ⬆️4X vs gen population Due to ▶️#pain ▶️#inflammation ▶️#depression 🤷‍♀️ #ACR24 @RheumNow @ACRheum abst#0480

Janet Pope @Janetbirdope( View Tweet )

Pathophysiological pathways in neuropsychiatric SLE. 2 components: -Ischaemic -Inflammatory Zahi Touma @RheumNow #ACR24
Antoni Chan MD (Prof) @synovialjoints( View Tweet )
How often do you ask about #fatigue, #depression & #anxiety in pts with RMDs? Study of >1000 pts found anxiety symptoms in 1/3 pts and significant association between fatigue & anxiety and depression Highlights importance of regular review of MH symptoms Ab2657 #ACR24 @RheumNow
Mrinalini Dey @DrMiniDey( View Tweet )
Neuropsychiatric manifestations in SLE. Susanne Benseler MD @RheumNow #ACR24
Antoni Chan MD (Prof) @synovialjoints( View Tweet )
Neuroimaging is done to support the diagnosis of CNS #lupus but only 75% reveal abnormal brain MRI. 📌 It is more useful in pts with local deficits than diffuse. 📌 poorly correlated with cognitive dysfunction & psych phenotypes. @Rheumnow #ACR24 @rheumarhyme @theactiverheum
The different NPSLE syndromes 👇 Highlighted in yellow are the most common manifestations. 🧠 - Cognitive dysfunction - Mood disorder - Anxiety disorder @RheumNow #ACR24
Diagnostic work up for neuropsychiatric SLE. Zahi Touma MD @RheumNow #ACR24
Antoni Chan MD (Prof) @synovialjoints( View Tweet )