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ACR 2022 - Day 1 Report
The masses have returned to ACR22, a live, face-to-face, and virtual, meeting that began Saturday in Philadelphia. There were hassles and glitches, yet the education and sessions were as you’d expect with many good presentations worth recapping.
Read ArticleSLE, Sex and STDs
Once in a while, I find an abstract at the ACR meeting that can potentially save lives and be implemented in practice now.
In Abstract #0939, Dr. J Patricia Dhar and colleagues shared data from a pilot study examining a new method to monitor cervical health in African American Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) using a self-sampling brush to assess cervical cytology and human papilloma virus infection.
TNFi cycling in axSpA: Results from CorEVITAS Registy study
Data presented at ACR22 shows that cycling through TNFi in axSpA patients with primary lack of efficacy with first line TNFi has limited additional benefit in controlling disease.
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Eric Dein ericdeinmd ( View Tweet)