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TNF inhibitors and radiographic progression in axSpA
A remaining challenge for clinicians is the ability to delay, if not completely stop, structural progression in patients with axSpA, whether they are diagnosed with radiographic (r-axSpa) or non-radiographic (nr-axSpA) disease.
Read ArticleTelemedicine Upside Interview with Dr. Alvin Wells
In spite of the transformative growth of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic, rheumatologists use of telemedicine is waning, much like the use of masks. Dr. Jack Cush interviews telemedicine guru, Dr. Alvin Wells, on the current state of telemedicine and what the future holds for telehealth in rheumatology.
Read ArticleRheumatoid Arthritis, Dementia and Cognitive Dysfunction
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been linked to a higher risk of dementia and cognitive dysfunction, but interestingly this association has diminished in the last few decades with aggressive DMARD and targeted therapies..
Read ArticleMethotrexate and hepatic fibrosis: we must be doing something right
Methotrexate may be a rheumatologist’s best friend, but a key part of counselling any patient about its use has always been the risk of hepatotoxicity.
Read ArticleNew Insights into Uveitis in Spondyloarthritis
Uveitis is the most frequent extra-musculoskeletal manifestation (EAM) in Axial Spondyloarthritis (axSpA). The prevalence of uveitis in axSpA is between 25-30%. Up to 50% of patients with an acute episode of uveitis develop recurrent anterior uveitis or iritis.
Read ArticleCytokine Inhibitor Lung Disease in Still's Linked to HLA-DRB1 Alleles
Pulmonary complications in the setting of Still's disease (juvenile and adult) has seldom but consistently been reported, including reports of pneumonitis, pulmonary hypertension and a severe or fatal lung disease, often associated with hypersensitivity to anticytokine therapy. A multicenter study reports that drug hypersensitivity and pulmonary reactions in Still's patients receiving IL-1 or IL-6 inhibitors is strongly associated with HLA-DRB1*15 haplotypes.
Read ArticleProlonging the Controversy of Hydroxychloroquine
Since the start of the pandemic, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was forced into the limelight for the prevention/treatment of COVID-19. When it was found to be ineffective for COVID-19 and might cause potential harm, the drug came under closer scrutiny for its safety profile.
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