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RA Topic Panel: ACR22

RheumNow faculty recap the best and most interesting data presented at ACR22 in RA. Panelists: Drs. Richard Conway, Aurelie Najm, David Liew, Janet Pope, Julian Segan

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leonard h calabrese

| Nov 21, 2022 9:07 am

Wouldn't call Mediterranean Diet highly controversial- despite paucity of data in RA it is at the prudent end of the dietary spectrum and has many attendant health domains demonstrating benefit- Furthermore is guides pts away from unhealthful Standard American Dietary (SAD) habits

leonard h calabrese

| Nov 21, 2022 9:11 am

In addition to my comments on Wellness behavior education - we can not limit ourselves to data on "joints" - all illness effects the whole person- There are copious data on correcting sleep, moderate exercise, and stress reduction as + influence on multiple domains of QOL (including fatigue -a major complaint of all pts) - the lens of the recs is to narrow

leonard h calabrese

| Nov 21, 2022 9:23 am

David Liew - excellent comments- I strongly do not believe that any INDIVIDUAL wellness behaviors will be effective - we advocate all dimensions for wellness diet, ex, sleep, stress (w mind body or MM) - we are ignorant of placebo biology in rheumatology and need to catch up with other fields

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