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ICYMI: Dead Words Eulogy

Editor's note: This article originally appeared January 26, 2024, as a bonus lecture provided to RheumNow Live 2024 registrants, and is being shared again while RheumNow enjoys the July 4th holiday. 

The trouble with rheumatology may be the words we live by. Welcome to the eulogy for rheumatology 'dead words'. We're here today to celebrate the loss of rheumatology past. These are dead words in rheumatology, words fortified unfortunately by history and habit. The lexicon of rheumatology is unique, it's challenging and it's mostly incomprehensible to those who don't know...but those are the cornerstones of the greatest of medical subspecialties. 

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Robert G. Lahita

| Jul 05, 2024 3:26 pm

Hi jack,
It is a very enjoyable and entertaining interment of "old terms." I am sharing this with my APNs, who would benefit from discarding RNP-driven MCTD. We never use Reiters or Wegener's syndrome for obvious reasons. Lastly, our EMR has Lumbago as a valid and codable diagnosis for lumbosacral back pain.
Bob Lahita

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