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CORRONA Presentations at ACR 2016

CORRONA, America's largest registry, has numerous presentations for this year's annual ACR/ARHP meeting.  See below for the expanse of efficacy and safety issues covered by CORRONA investigators.

Poster Title


Presentation #


Sunday, November 13, 9-11am

Incidence and Factors Associated with the Development of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease among patients with RA

John AK, Prehn AW, Tawfik H, Reed GW, Kremer JM


Poster Hall C -Row 1

Incidence of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease By Key Risk Factors Among Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

John AK, Prehn AW, Tawfik H, Reed GW, Kremer JM


Poster Hall C -Row 1

Modifiable rheumatoid arthritis factors and impact on cardiovascular risk

Katherine P. Liao, Carol J. Etzel, Jeff Greenberg, Hongshu Guan, Joel M. Kremer, Daniel H. Solomon


Poster Hall C -Row 1

Work Status in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Who Have Poor Prognostic Factors: Findings from a US Observational Cohort

Alemao E, Harrold LR, Litman HJ, Connolly SE, Kelly S, Hua W, Rosenblatt L, Rebello S Kremer JM


Poster Hall C -Row 5

Higher Multi Biomarker Disease Activity Scores Foreshadow Greater Longitudinal Improvement in RA Disease Activity

Curtis JR, Harrold L, Kremer J, Palmer L.


Poster Hall C -Row 5

Disease Activity Trends after Dose Escalation of Infliximab (Remicade)– Results from United States Corrona Registry

Parenti D, Reed GW, Shan Y, Dandreo KJ, Kremer JM, DeHoratius R


Poster Hall C -Row 6

Biologic Initiation Patterns Among Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Moderate or High Disease Activity While Using Conventional Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs

Boytsov N, Reed GW, Harrold LR, Xiang Z, Gaich CL, Larmore CJ, Shan Y, Rebello S Araujo AB


Poster Hall C -Row 6

Monday, November 14, 9-11am

Impact of Rituximab on Patient­Reported Outcomes in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis from the US Corrona Registry

Harrold LR, John A, Best J, Zlotnick S, Karki C, Li Y, Greenberg JD, Kremer JM


Poster Hall C -Row 5

Comparative Effectiveness of Tocilizumab Monotherapy With Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors in Combination With Methotrexate in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Prior Exposure to Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors

Harrold LR, Reed GW, Best J, Zlotnick S, Persuitte G, Kremer JM


Poster Hall C -Row 5

Clinical Responses to Tocilizumab Analyzed by Serologic status in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Cappelli L,  Palmer JL, Bingham CJ


Poster Hall C -Row 5

Predictors of Persistency with TNFi in Biologic Experienced Versus Biologic Naive Psa Patients Enrolled in the Corrona Registry

Etzel CJ, Stolshek BS, Rebello S, Collier DH, Mutebi A, Wade SW, Malley W, Greenberg JD, Harrold LR


Poster Hall C -Row 6

Influence of Axial Involvement on Clinical Characteristics of Psoriatic Arthritis—Descriptive Analysis From the Corrona PsA/SpA Registry

Mease PJ, Karki C, Liu M,  Kavanaugh A, Pandurengan R, Ritchlin CT, Palmer JB, Greenberg JD,


Poster Hall C -Row 6

Baseline Patient Characteristics Associated with Response to Biologic Therapy in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis Enrolled in the Corrona PsA/SpA Registry

Mease PJ, Karki C, Liu M,  Kavanaugh A, Ritchlin CT, Huynh D, Pandurengan R, Palmer JB, Greenberg JD,


Poster Hall C -Row 6

Predictors of Achieving Remission Among Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis Prescribed TNF Inhibitors

Ogdie A, Palmer L, Greenberg J, Curtis J, Harrold L, Solomon D, Kavanaugh A, Kremer J, Mease P.


Poster Hall C -Row 6

Tuesday, November 15, 9-11am

Impact of Poor Prognosis Factors on Treatment Decisions in Clinical Practice in Patients with Rheumatoid Artritis: Findings from a US Observational Cohort

Harrold LR, Alemao E, Litman HJ, Connolly SE, Kelly S, Hua W, Rosenblatt L, Rebello S Kremer JM


Poster Hall C -Row 4

The Real-World Comparative Safety of Certolizumab Pegol as Compared to Other TNFi in a National US Rheumatoid Arthritis Cohort

Harrold LR, Litman HJ,2 Saunders KC, Dandreo KJ, Gershenson B, Greenberg JD, Low R, Stark J, Suruki R, Jaganathan S, Yassine M


Poster Hall C -Row 5

Real World Results from a Post-Approval Safety Surveillance of Tofacitinib (Xeljanz): Over 3 Year Results from an Ongoing US-Based Rheumatoid Arthritis Registry.

Kavanaugh A, Geier J, Bingham C, Chen C, Reed GW, Saunders KC, Chen Y, Koenig A, Cappelli L, Greenberg JD, Kremer JM


Poster Hall C -Row 5

Time to initiation of biologic agents is associated with Glucocorticoid use: Results from the Corrona registry

Pappas DA, Griffith J, Litman HJ, Schlacher CA,  Salim BA, Karki C, Kremer JM


Poster Hall C -Row 5

Therapy with Biologic Agents after Diagnosis of Solid Malignancies; Results from the Corrona Registry

Pappas DA, Rebello S, Liu M, Schenfeld J, Li Y, Collier DH,  Accortt N,


Poster Hall C -Row 5

Impact of Nail Psoriasis on Clinical Presentation of Psoriatic Arthritis—Descriptive Analysis From the Corrona PsA/SpA Registry

Mease PJ, Palmer JB, Litman HJ,  Karki C, Greenberg JD


Poster Hall C -Row 6

Discontinuation of Biologic Therapy in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis—Data From the Corrona PsA/SpA Registry

Mease PJ, van der Heijde D, Karki C, Liu M, Pandurengan R, Park Y,Greenberg JD,


Poster Hall C -Row 6



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