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Decline in Physician Scientists Ahead

The Journal of Clinical Investigation reports a potential decline in the number of medical researchers in the future.

In a commentary from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dr. Milewicz notes the current workforce is aging and physician-scientists are working longer, yet the number of incoming researchers has declined. (Citation source

According to Milewicz and co-authors, the number of physician-scientists is already low and will go even lower unless steps are taken. Only 14,000 of the almost one million doctors in the United States surveyed by the American Medical Association consider research to be their primary focus. They recommend increasing the recruitment of women and minorities and improving the mentoring and oversight of physician-scientists during their training.

They also recommend shortening the time to independence by at least 5 years, achieving greater diversity and numbers in training programs, and establishing Physician-Scientist Career Development offices at medical centers and universities. 


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