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PCPs Have Become the Largest Prescribers for Narcotics

Researchers at Stanford University analyzed 2013 Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage claims for narcotic painkillers containing hydrocodone, oxycodone, codeine and other opioids.  (Citation source

The largest prescribers were primary care physicians, including family practice (15.3 million prescriptions) and internal medicine physicians (12.8 million). Pain management specialists were 10th at 1.2 million prescriptions and rheumatologists were 12th on the list with 855,103 prescriptions written for narcotics. 

JAMA Internal Medicine  Dec. 14, 2015

However, based claims-per-prescriber, pain specialists led the way, followed by those in pain management, anesthesiology and physical medicine and rehabilitation, geriatiric medicine and rheumatology.

High-volume prescribers are not alone responsible for the high national volume of opioid prescriptions. Efforts to curtail national opioid overprescribing must address a broad swath of prescribers to be effective.


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