The RheumNow Week in Review – 18 August 2017 Save

The RheumNow Week in Review discusses the past week's news, journal articles and highlights from This week's report includes new data on lupus survival, pediatric lupus guidelines from SHARE, room temperature storage of etanercept, over or under-testing by rheumatologists and failure of pain meds to treat pain.
- Lupus Survival improved in the 1990s; high-income countries have a 5-yr survival >95% in adults & kids; but low/middle-income countries have a lower survival in kids alone.
- Study of Acute gout episodes : 26% had SF MSU & CPP crystals. CPP crystals in gout patients was assoc. with gout duration, CKD, erosive dz; not age
- RA and PsA (but not depression) were assoc. with increased risk of pre-term birth & preeclamsia.
- Downside to steroids: 2 yrs of intraarticular triamcinolone knee injx (vs PBO) caused more cartilage loss; but no diff in knee pain
- 26 yoF undergoing B/L hand/forearm transplants developed RA without prior hx of RA in either the donor or recipient
- SHARE SLE Guidelines Recommend Dx by SLICC, testing for complement defic., ENA, CXR, referral to a pediatric rheum
- Study shows etanercept may be stored at conditions of 25°C±2°C (77F) for up to 1 month within expiry dates
- One in three Rheumatoid arthritis patients fail to pick up Rx meds because of cost according to Natl RA Society in the UK.
- Tocilizumab in Scleroderma completed enrollment in phase III trial – it will be another yr till skin + lung results
- How Much Testing is Enough?
- No Evidence to Support Use of Gabapentinoids in Low Back Pain
- Marijuana Has Little Effect on Most Types of Pain
- Psoriatic Arthritis Patients with Comorbidities have Worse Disease and Poor Response
- Pegloticase Infusion Reactions Largely Seen in Non-Responders
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