RheumNow Week in Review – Four Fingers are Best (10.12.18) Save

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from the past week on RheumNow.com. New info on scleroderma-SLE overlap, nailfold capillaroscopy, Women with SpA, acute gout management and lupus patient in pain who visit the ED.
- Watch the World Arthritis Day 2018: Don't Delay, Connect Today video here on 12 October 2018! Watch the World Arthritis Day 2017 video here: https://t.co/znSMFMUvJA
- SLE Study of 77 persistent ED users (1143 encounters) vs 52 limited ED (335) finds Pain-related ED visits more common w/ persistent users (32%) than limited (18%). Persistent users were more likely to be AA, on medicare, dialysis/nephritis and be on LTOT. Persistent users with pain encounters were more obese, with fewer comorbid, be on LTOT. https://buff.ly/2EbImqh
- CONTACT (Colchicine or Naproxen TX for Acute Gout) pre sented at the British Society of Rheum Mtg – 399 patients in an Open Label study finds equivalent responses between Naproxen & Colchicine, but trends favoring naproxen for lower early pain scores, side effects, less rescue pain meds https://t.co/MPgRNZo42b
- Study from 2018 International Congress on Spondyloarthritides shows that women with ankylosing spondylitis finds are less responsive to biologics, were less adherent and had worse Pain, ASDAS scores vs men. Study of 359 AS patients over 5 yrs https://t.co/dVIfGM4eTF
- The new US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), protects new biologic drugs from generic competition for a period of at least 10 years. Currently Canada protects biologics for 8 yrs, Mexico 5 yrs; and USAS for 12 yrs. https://t.co/2uz97EcWjt
- Be sure to remind your patients (Everyone) to get the flu vaccine - and if on MTX, hold MTX for 2 weeks. https://t.co/GOxazqE5aA
- Study of Nailfold capillaroscopy (1600 images, 173 pts) by experts suggests that its is best to examine all 8 fingers, excluding thumbs. Sensitivity 8 fingers=75%; 4 fingers (ring,middle)=67%; 2 ring fingers=60%; 1 finger 32%-47% https://t.co/w3QOYEBNpg
- SLE-Scleroderma Overlap Outcomes
- Allopurinol Shown to be Renal Protective
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - a Leading Cause of Work Related Disability
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