RheumNow Week in Review -The Temporal Artery Biopsy Letdown (4.6.2018) Save

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from the past week on RheumNow.com. News on the cost of RA care, infections on planes, CV events and Sacroiliitis in IBD, NXP-2 antibodies and calcinosis and rituximab in myositis ILD patients.
- Swiss study of 244 pregnancies finds RA and axSpA have significantly higher risk of pregnancy complications (DM, preeclampsia, infection, small babies, preterm delivery). Active disease predicts preterm delivery in both RA (OR 3.9) & axSpA (OR 13.8) https://t.co/I02unIG499
- EMR study of 116 obese/overweight RA clinic pts shows that the 31% lost ≥5 kg during follow-up had 3 fold chance of disease activity improvement (CDA >5). https://t.co/JIanV3FuE8
- 2 RA Cohorts from Sweden were compared 1996 (T1) & 2006 (T2). Total cost of care similar from T1 to T2 (EUR 13280 v 12342), Dz activity, sick leave & hospitalization decreased, yet DMARD & drug cost increased. Loss of productivity is the largest part of total costs. https://t.co/OuIyQwGSjv
- Study of 114 kids with enthesitis-related JIA shows axial Dz/sacroiliitis rare at onset but after mean of 2.6 yrs found in 63% and 47% respectively. + Familiy Hx of SpA associated w/ sacroiliitis (OR = 3.6) & active disease (OR 3.0) at last FUV https://t.co/xRQhm6iGA6
- Of 154 patients with a negative Temp artery Bx 20% were eventually diagnosed with GCA. Predictors of GCA in TAB neg pts were meeting ACR criteria (OR 13.4), clinical dx of PMR (2.8), high platelet counts (1.3). https://t.co/dpsSgqQWn9
- Clinic study finds CT scan evidence of sacroiliitis in 15-16.9% of 316 IBD pts vs only 5.6% of controls (no LBP GU pts); but only 5% of IBD SI pts were referred to Rheumatology. http://bit.ly/2EmMTkz
- Recent PNAS study shows that there is a low risk of getting infected on an airplane if direct transmission (ie,not seated in close proximity to an infectious passenger) is not possible. https://t.co/a8VOQ0dM7F
- 3 million have IBD in USA. New study of 22 million IBD pts shows a 2 fold greater risk of MI (5.9% vs 3.5% without IBD). https://t.co/UACAiTfAAt
- Claims analyses from Medicare, IMS PharMetrics & MarketScan (2010-15) looked at CV outcomes in RA pts starting tocilizumab (6,237) or abatacept (14,685) & finds no difference in CV risk (HR 0.82; 0.55–1.22) (TCZ vs ABA) https://t.co/jNnOCDvX2u
- 56 myositis patients with anti‐NXP‐2 autoantibodies (18 with and 38 without calcinosis) showed that NXP‐2 Ab levels correlate w/ disease activity, espcially in those without calcinosis; suggesting calcinosis defines 2 phenotypes. https://t.co/1BhJeWTMgv
- IL-6 Inhibition Most Effective in Polycyclic Systemic JIA
- Rituximab May Halt ILD in Antisynthetase Syndrome Myositis
- Uveitis in JIA: Screen All, Treat Early
- "Providing medical care is more of a commitment to the patient, than a commitment to science. Empathy, understanding and listening are incredibly hard when you think you have all the answers". - From todays blog on "Least Favored Patient" on RheumNow. https://t.co/9ERyuBjYsr
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