Wine, Lupus, Pregnancy and Biosimilars: October 2015 -Top Social Media News Save

In October 2015, RheumNow published 76 tweets about impactful news, research and teaching points that impact the rheumatology community. In October, RN had a reach (impressions) of 49,500, 79 mentions, and over 2000 visits to to check out what we publish. The average daily “tweet” from RheumNow is seen by 3000-8,000 viewers. Our social media feed is just one of several ways we deliver information to over 2451 rheumatologists and 2287 followers on Twitter.
The following is a list of top tweets from October 2015 as defined by the number of clicks, retweets and likes.
- When in Rome.....Famed rheumatologist (@LCalabreseDO) blogs on finding happiness and great wine. This is one of several enormously popular blogs written by the Renaissance Rheumatologist Len Calabrese, DO. In these blogs he combines his love for learning with wine and captures the taste and intelligence exhibited by rheumatologists and their wines. This blog appeared on 10/10/15 and was viewed 16,800 times by Oenophiles (aka, connoisseurs) of Rheumatology!
- The Urine Protein-Creatinine Ratio compared to 24h Urine Sampling in Lupus; overall, there is a good correlation; but still, there is a need to do 24hr urine collections as this is the gold standard and more accurate test. This appeared on 10/27, and describes research drawn from 1233 urine samples and 322 SLE patients from the Toronto Lupus Clinic and the Toronto Western Hospital. Lower levels of proteinuria had the poorest correlations, but higher levels of proteinuria (group 4: ≥2 g/day) had moderately good correlations (R=0.6). This item was viewed by 12,800.
- Comparison of 524 Lupus patients shows that those with malar rash at onset have more lupus activity at 1 & 5 yrs. than those with DLE or non-cutaneous lupus (CLE) patients. Another report from the Toronto Lupus Clinic and the Toronto Western Hospital examines 524 SLE patients (284 without CLE, 65 with DLE, and 175 with malar rash and looked at adjusted mean lupus activity indexes at 1 and 5 years. This report was published on RheumNow and Twitter on 10/15/15 and was viewed by 10,600.
- Plaquenil retinopathy is Rare; Risk Increases with doses >6.5 mg/kg/day or cumulative dose >1000 grams or if receiving HCQ for >5 yrs. or with comorbidities (CKD, liver disease, elderly). This was published on 10/14/15 and shows the risk factors for HCQ retinopathy, which is more than dose, but includes years on therapy, cumulative mg exposure and comorbidities. This tweet had an estimated reach of 10,400.
- JAMA Study shows Acute Low Back Pain responds well to Naproxen, and is not better if Combined with either Oxycodone or Flexeril. This was posted on 10/21/15 and reached 8800 viewers. I assume this was popular owing to the prevalence of back pain and the occasional indecisions on treatment. This study included 323 subjects visiting a Bronx emergency department and were randomized to receive (1) naproxen + placebo; (2) naproxen + cyclobenzaprine; or (3) naproxen + oxycodone/acetaminophen. For these patients with acute, nontraumatic, nonradicular LBP presenting to the ED, there was no advantage to adding cyclobenzaprine or oxycodone to naproxen (looking at 2 week outcomes),
- OMERACT Defines Ultrasound Elementary Lesions for #Gout to include 1) double contour sign, 2) tophus, 3) aggregates, & 4) erosions. Posted on 10/15, this Journal of Rheumatology article reports the consensus findings from OMERACT as they assess whether ultrasound can be a valid and reliable outcome measure in gout. This was viewed by 7800.
- Colchicine is a category "C" pregnancy risk, appears to be safe at the time of conception and during pregnancy (if needed). Not germane to gout you say? But this is an important issue to patients with FMF or autoinflammatory disorders who are often young and female. This was posted on 10/9/15 and seen by 7600 viewers.
- Only 25% EU Physicians Have used Biosimilars (their primary concerns were over safety); Current Forecast is that only 17% will use biosimilars in next 3 years. This post appeared on 10/16/15 and is an admitted soft source of information as the “study” was done by a global pharmaceutical marketing firm who surveyed 200 rheumatologists in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. These rheumatologists expect etanercept and adalimumab to be strong in the next 3 years but expect their numbers to decline – largely to be replaced by biosimilars. Yet fewer than 25 per cent of physicians are currently prescribing biosimilars and almost half expect they will prescribe them in the future. This post was seen by 7000 viewers.
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