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COVID 19 Updates from RheumNow


My brush with COVID- heart-breaking and inspirational. A story about Larry and Jessica.

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow ( View Tweet )

4 years 1 month ago
The first randomized clinical trial of convalescent plasma in #COVID19, reported by Li et al in JAMA suggests that high titer antibody against #SARSCoV2 may have antiviral efficacy
4 years 1 month ago
I'm really humbled by the amazing ongoing effort to collect cases for @rheum_covid. So many ppl are working tirelessly to help including the steering committee, patients & the pt board, contrib. rheums & the CASC. Please continue to contribute cases. Thank you 🙏
Dr Philip Robinson @philipcrobinson ( View Tweet )
4 years 1 month ago
Another Italian COVID-19 dermatology report: 1,193 skin psoriasis patients on TNFi, IL17,IL23,IL12/23 & apremilast: 22 patients infected, of those 5 hospitalised, none died

Dr Philip Robinson @philipcrobinson ( View Tweet )

4 years 1 month ago
There have been 1,831,821 cases & 106,181 deaths from #COVID19, a 5.8% conf case-fatality rate. To put it another way, 1 out of 17 Americans w/ confirmed #SARSCoV2 has died. It is now the #1 cause of death in the US. The message is getting lost: this #pandemic is very serious.

Tatiana Prowell, MD @tmprowell ( View Tweet )

4 years 1 month ago
Increased severity of #COVID19 seen in bald men related to the androgens. @rheumnow Androgenetic Alopecia Present in the Majority of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients – the “Gabrin sign”
4 years 1 month ago
#EULAR2020 Dr. Kimme Hyrich reviews the EULAR #COVID19 Registry "Most individuals with rheumatic diseases receiving immunosuppressive therapies recover from COVID19" @rheumnow
4 years 1 month ago
#EULAR2020 panel on #COVID19 spec. situatns: 1. German regtry: very few preg rheum pts w/CV19; cases mild. 2. No info how CV19 affects APS 3. Very few ped rheum cases of CV19- cases mild; outcomes sim to gen peds pop 4. Most rheum pts w/CV19 good prognosis @rheumnow
4 years 1 month ago
#EULAR2020 press conference report: Global Rheum Alliance for COVID19 and Eular registries provide reassurance to rheums and pts regarding immunosuppression and COVID19. The compiled data from over 600 pts in 40 countries. @RheumNow

Dr. Rachel Tate @uptoTate ( View Tweet )

4 years 1 month ago
UPI quotes Dr. Tony Fauci stating (about hydroxychloroquine) "The scientific data is really quite evident now about the lack of efficacy". Yesterday France and other countries have banned the use of HCQ to treat COVID.

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow ( View Tweet )

4 years 1 month ago