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TNF inhibitor use did not affect mortality outcomes in 3 cohorts w/ early Cancer (colorectal [514], lung [864], & prostate [603]). 12-20% of CA pts recv TNFi. Overall survival at Yr 1 unaffected in colorectal (HR 0·72; 0·43–1·21), Lung (0·70; 0·49–1·00), Prostate (0·80;…

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Celecoxib Lowers Colon Cancer Recurrence Risk The Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology today announced the results of a data analysis from a randomized phase III clinical trial involving patients with stage III colon cancer, which found that adding the drug celecoxib to…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Korean Study of 10,013 #SLE pts (91%F)those on immunosuppressives were not at greater risk for cancer. Total CA risk (n 368) was 59 per 10,000 PYs. Most common Thyroid, breast, Gastric, colon & cervical.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Participation is Up! (1.31.2025)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from the past week on We also have two call-in cases on "Ask Cush Anything".

Be sure to join in the fun at RNL 2025 next weekend - Gong Show Karaoke; what will you sing?

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Celecoxib Lowers Colon Cancer Recurrence Risk

The Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology today announced the results of a data analysis from a randomized phase III clinical trial involving patients with stage III colon cancer, which found that adding the drug

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Weak Data (1.24.2025)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from, and features Dr. Charity Dean, the Keynote speaker at RheumNow Live 2025, and why she is an inspiration.

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Eltrombopag, a Potential New Treatment for ITP

A pilot trial has shown a thrombopoietin receptor agonist, eltrombopag (Promacta), to be effective in connective tissue disease-related (CTD),  refractory immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).

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Outcomes Comparison study of late-onset RA (LORA) vs younger-onset RA (YORA) showed similar Dz activity assessments over 5 years but Late onset RA had worse functional outcomes and more adverse events (adj HR 4.7 for death & 2.6 for malignancy).
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Should you worry about giving TNFi to RA pts after a cancer diagnosis? Medicare data with colorectal, lung, prostate Ca: TNFi pts survival no worse (numerically better) than csDMARDs Cancer pts deserve good RA treatment! #ACR24 ABST0202 Suarez-Almazor @MDAndersonNews @RheumNow…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Best of 2024: Lung Cancer in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Interstitial Lung Disease
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Best of 2024: Lung Cancer in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Interstitial Lung Disease

A matched cohort study from the Veterans Health Administration shows that rheumatoid arthritis patients have a >50% increased risk of lung cancer, and a 3-fold higher risk of lung cancer in RA-interstitial lung disease (ILD).

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Japanese registry study of CV & CA outcomes in #RA. CV (MACE) events = IR 0.49/100 PY. Cancer= IR 0.78/100PY. MACE risk factors: Male, age≥65, HTN, Renal or cerebrovascular Dz; CA risk w/ Male, age, NSAID, COPD, SIE, CA Hx.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Summary of JAKi Studies Dr. Peter Nash, at the 2024 ACR Convergence meeting in Washington, DC, talks about JAKi data presented in: the SELECT-GCA trial and safety signals; ILD; cancer; cycling; RA; uveitis; and new JAKs under study.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Primary Hypophosphatemia (HYPOPH) - Japan study 50,136 adults w/ 424,434 alk phosphatase (ALP) tests. Persistent HYPOPH seen in 0.54% (273) due to cancer(30%), steroids(21%), DMARDs (16%). Unexplained HYPOPH had pain, muscle weakness, fatigue & could have primary HYPOPH…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Primary Hypophosphatemia (HYPOPH) - Japan study 50,136 adults w/ 424,434 alk phosphatase (ALP) tests. Persistent HYPOPH seen in 0.54% (273) due to cancer(30%), steroids(21%), DMARDs (16%). Unexplained HYPOPH had pain, muscle weakness, fatigue & could have primary HYPOPH…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Why should rheumatologists care about aging?

The global population is aging and none of our rheumatic diseases are immune to the impact of the complexities and so-called “geriatric syndromes”, including sarcopenia, frailty, falls and cognitive impairment, associated with the aging process. Whilst we are increasingly aware of these

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Playing it Safe with RA? JAK vs. TNF Debate The ORAL surveillance trial raised safety concerns that the janus kinase inhibitor (JAKi) tofacitinib was associated with an increased incidence of cancer and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), compared to tumor necrosis…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Biggest absence award at #ACR24 @ACRheum @RheumNow 🥇 Absence of discussion on 👇 #Oral #Surveillance Except for maybe Monitoring for mouth ulcers and cancers issues are not resolved but we are comfortable with ambiguity!

Janet Pope @Janetbirdope( View Tweet )

Playing it Safe with RA? JAK vs. TNF Debate

Reported safety signals, at odds with the efficacy of these medications, have left rheumatology clinicians in a difficult position when considering when during a patient’s treatment course and in which patients, specifically, JAKi should be used. Two abstracts from ACR convergence 2024 further

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TNFis preventing cancer compared to placebo, and JAKi being neutral to placebo and maybe preventing haem cancers also. #ACR24 abstract 0989 was certainly provocative. I've shared my thoughts on @RheumNow

Richard Conway @RichardPAConway( View Tweet )

Does vasculitis flare with checkpoint inhibitors? @MDAndersonNews experience: 17 stable pts 4 pts flared - all able to be controlled (i.e. 13 didn't flare) Encouragement that stable vasculitis pts that need ICI should get them! #ACR24 ABST1986 @RheumNow
David Liew @drdavidliew( View Tweet )
Study of 25K+ patients using TrinetX on immune checkpoint inhibitors shows no significant mortality difference between those with pre-existing autoimmune disease (AID) and those without. Mortality rates: AID: 39.8% Non-AID: 40.2% Large-scale evidence supports ICIs in AID…

Antoni Chan MD (Prof) @synovialjoints( View Tweet )

We know most preexisting autoimmune disease is very mangaeable when checkpoint inhibitors are needed. So great to see that, in the VA, autoimmune disease pts largely haven't missed out on potentially lifesaving cancer immunotherapy. Keep on reassuring! #ACR24 ABST1985 @RheumNow
David Liew @drdavidliew( View Tweet )

Always looking for cancer/CV signals from JAKi in big observational datasets w extensive JAKi use nationwide 🇯🇵 claims data RA pts n=52k (JAKi n=4.3k) Cancer with JAKi vs TNFi: aHR 2.2 (esp lung, lymphoma) This is a problem. Watch these data. #ACR24 ABST1336 @RheumNow #ACRBest

David Liew @drdavidliew( View Tweet )
Should you worry about giving TNFi to RA pts after a cancer diagnosis? Medicare data with colorectal, lung, prostate Ca: TNFi pts survival no worse (numerically better) than csDMARDs Cancer pts deserve good RA treatment! #ACR24 ABST0202 Suarez-Almazor @MDAndersonNews @RheumNow
David Liew @drdavidliew( View Tweet )