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If COVID was responsible for causing autoimmune Dz (AD), it is possible that Molecular mimicry was in play. Study shows 10nsequence homology between SARS-CoV-2 & AD epitopes; 2) similar MHC binding; 3) of high empirical immunogenicity.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
With GLP-1 agonists, is there a risk of aspiration during gen. anesthesia. Most advise against elective surgery/anesthesia unless the GLP-1 is held for 1-2 weeks. Based on MOA of delayed gastric emptying - 7/8 studies show Incr residual gastric contents in GLP-1, but none…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
13% of the ~22 million people with traditional coverage received a telehealth betw 10-12/2023. Expansion of Medicare telehealth coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic is set to expire on March 31 , 2025. Most telehealth will expire if Congress does not act.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Diagnoses via Immune ‘Fingerprints’

Science and researchers at Stanford Medicine have reported the use of Mal-ID (machine learning for immunological diagnosis) to analyze B and T cell receptors sequences from human blood, showing the ability to predict health status (healthy vs diseased) and discriminate between distinct

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At RWCS 2025, Dr. Susan Shenoi aptly noted the prevalence of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) has declined significantly. Does this indicated herd immunity or the decline of community SARS-CoV-2 (or both)? @ShenoiSusan
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
TheDaoIndex @KDAO2011 @drcharitydean on emerging public health threats including H5N1 & communicable dz. We need to be monitoring for human to human disease transmissions. There is a high level of concern by large business as they recognize this will affect the supply chain.…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
"Treat for the most likely, mitigate for the catastrophic" @drcharitydean (my hero!). Read her story in "Premonition" by Michael Lewis. She served an impt role in the COVID19 pandemic as a public health officer for CA. Her lecture is on re-inventing yourself. @rheumnow #RNL2025
TheDaoIndex @KDAO2011( View Tweet )
Outcomes of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) A nationwide cohort study of patients with MIS-C, a life-threatening complication of COVID-19 infection, showed that many had severe disease during the acute phase, but most recovered quickly and had a reassuring…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
CDC/ACIP 2025 new Immunization recommendations w/ new vaccine recs for COVID-19, influenza, meningococcal serogroup B, pneumococcal, & RSV. Influenza vaccines have been changed from the quadrivalent to trivalent formulations.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Pan American Health Org announces that in 2024 saw largest dengue epidemic in the Americas, >12.6 million cases reported (3x record in 2023); 21,000 severe w/ 7,700 deaths; 90% from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico. Most USA cases (FL, HI, TX, AZ, CA) seen in travelers…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Dengue fever, a mosquitoborne viral illness, is increasing worldwide; during 2024, approximately 13 million cases have been reported in the Americas. 2010–2024, a total of 15,077 (38.6%) patients were hospitalized But the fatality rate is unchanged. 2023 DENV-3 recent outbreak in…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Small, suspended, post COVID randomized trial, guselkumab failed to show efficacy at reducing proteinuria in 33 SLE pts. Wk24 results, 56% placebo vs. 35% GUS for primary end point., No differences in secondary outcomes or adverse events
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
JAMA Patient Quiz - Joint Pain in a Woman Wearing a Face Mask
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
COVID Associated Immune Disease Dr. Len Calabrese reports on a session he participated in discussing if Covid-19 is associated or causal for autoimmune disease. Reporting from #ACR24
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
A systematic review & meta-analysis by Dr. JBCorrea et al show that the ff immune-mediated dses are assocd w/⬆️ ocurrence risk after covid19 infection 👇 Behcets SpA SS SLE PMR Pso RA Sjogrens T1DM Vasculitis IBD Ask prior covid infexn in pts history @RheumNow #ACR24 abs2614
Long COVID outcomes in Autoimmune diseases (AID) Abstract 1897: - Long COVID symptoms higher among AID pts vs controls - vaccinated may have protective benefit @RheumNow #ACR24
Akhil Sood MD @AkhilSoodMD( View Tweet )
To stop tsDMARD / bDMARD To improve #COVIDVACCINE response in those w several previous #COVID19 #vaccinations is NOT necessary This will change my practice! #ACR24 @RheumNow @ACRheum

Janet Pope @Janetbirdope( View Tweet )

Is #IL1 inhibition for 4 months a winner in #GCA —NOPE Anakinra daily 100mg sc 4/12 Underpowered but equal relapses and d/c #steroids not different #relapses esp after d/c #anakinra N=30 d/c due to #COVIDpandemic #1699 #ACR24 @RheumNow @ACRheum
Janet Pope @Janetbirdope( View Tweet )
Study on SLE treatments: Compared adverse events of anifrolumab vs. belimumab Similar risks for mortality, sepsis, herpes zoster, dialysis, MACE, PE/VTE, COVID-19, URI, pneumonia, and mental illness #ACR24 @RheumNow abst#1527

Bella Mehta @bella_mehta( View Tweet )

If high +ANA and NO #rheumatic #disease LOOK 👀 at #LIVER #Autoimmune #hepatitis And #alcoholic #liver #dx #ACRBest #ACR24 @rheumnow abst#0627

Janet Pope @Janetbirdope( View Tweet )
CKD keeps a persistent low grade inflammatory state! Implications: CKD ⬆️risk for CV dz through different mech @RheumNow #ACR24
TheDaoIndex @KDAO2011( View Tweet )
COVID-19 and Long-Term Risk of Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Disorders A Korean population based study found that people infected with COVID-19, especially severe COVID-19, had an increased risk of autoimmune and autoinflammatory connective tissue disorders.…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Long Covid Defined While COVID-19 has infected over 7 million worldwide, it is estimated that 7% of adults (and >1% of children) or 15 to 20 million Americans have developed long COVID, a chronic condition with systemic and often disabling symptoms.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Dr. Quotes (11.8.2024)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from this past week from

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COVID-19 and Long-Term Risk of Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Disorders

A Korean population based study found that people infected with COVID-19, especially severe COVID-19, had an increased risk of autoimmune and autoinflammatory connective tissue disorders.

While several observational studies have suggested an association between COVID-19 and future

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