Treat-to-Target a Bust with Rheumatologists Save

Treat-to-target (T2T) strategy is widely advocated as an important means of optimizing treatment responses in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Even though T2T is encouraged by most guidelines, a current report shows that US Rheumatologists fail to implement T2T in their daily practice.
Rheumatology researchers from the Brigham and Women's Hospital have published the results of the TRACTION trial, which was a randomized controlled study of 641 RA patients recruited from 46 providers practicing at 11 US sites. They collected data on implementation of T2T, patient covariates, provider characteristics, site variables and also calculated a “T2T implementation score” as the percentage of features recorded.
Specifically they were seeking to identify four components of T2T from the medical records. These included:
- A disease activity target “treatment target”
- A RA disease activity measure, recommended by the ACR (CDAI, SDAI, DAS28, PAS, PASII, RAPID3)
- Documented shared-decision making
- Treatment decisions based on target and disease activity measures
Overall T2T Implementation was sub-optimal: nearly two-thirds (64%) of RA patients visits having none of the T2T components recorded, 33.1% had one component, 2.3% had two components, and 0.3% had all components.
T2T implementation differed significantly across providers and sites (P-values < 0.0001).
Older rheumatolgoists with longer experience had higher implementation score; while younger rheumatologists (fellows) had lower T2T scores.
These findings are sobering. Curtis et al have recently shown that over half of rheumatologists collect some measure, but theres little evidence that it affects decision making or therapeutics (J Rheum, In press). Hence, while most rheumatologists believe they practice T2T (largely because they measure something), there is little proof that they manage and treat using well defined T2T strategies.
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If we going to debate this issue I suggest better armaments. The article based on this report had 64.3 % of the “providers” not including any of the Treat To Target (TTT) criteria. That means they did not even record Disease Activity Measures (DAM) or have shared decision making. The latter is in every office visit and activity measurements are the core to TTT. I do them all the time on every visit using a homunculus tool called Jointman. I question how the data was collected and quantified in this study. Not all who were measured were physicians but the data did not quantitate who did what to this level. They based their data on 4 measures: 1. Choose a target 2. Choose a disease activity measure 3. Shared decision making 4. Decision is either based on target and DAM or why TTT was not adhered to. According to their data 64.3 % had none, 33.1 % had one component, 2.3 % had two components and 0.3 % had all components out of 641 patients, 46 providers at 11 USA sites. The data was collected off of EHR data. How was that reliable? This depends on the interpretation of the record. WHAT! Providers with longer experience are said to have implemented more components of TTT.
Providers with longer experience are said to have implemented more components of TTT. I suspect they used the ‘evil physician gestalt”. This article has lots of holes. My problem with TTT is we have lousy measurement tools. The DAM are helpful but have a lot of variability with wide coefficients of variation in the non-laboratory components. We do not have a hemoglobin A-1-C for RA. Our measurement are not that good. We have Biomarkers like MBDA (or VECTRDA) which is a chemical thermometer and is helpful also but even MBDA is not as pinpoint as Hgb A-1- C, but I like it and use it. All of these DAM make me think about the whole patient but they alone are not enough and thus TTT is tunnel vision. We need more data, synovitis, osteitis, cardiovascular, other comorbidities etc. to make our decision tree. We need physician gestalt. Remember even when TTT indicates a change in therapy is needed how do we choose the therapy? – WE USE PHYSICIAN GESTALT! None of these measurements include one of the most important impediments to patient care the “Insurance, Pharmacy Benefit Manager Complex”. This like the military Industrial complex rules the my response was cut off:
"The Rest of the Story: None of these measurements include one of the most important impediments to patient care the “Insurance, Pharmacy Benefit Manager Complex”. This like the military Industrial complex rules the roost. If we are going to write articles on the therapy of our patients look at the obstruction delivered by the “Insurance, Pharmacy Benefits Manager complex” and as well by Electronic Health records (Actually Electronic Health Regulations) which interfere with our choice of therapy by adding ridiculous time consuming data entry input by us and may have confounded the outcome of the study reported. We should not be satisfied by the present TTT concept and need to build on it. We use it on every visit in our own way. The idea is good but the target is not reliable at present.
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