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B Cell Depleters (2.21.2025)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal articles from the past week on

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TULIP Extension trial shows #SLE Rx w/ anifrolumab + SOC had less organ damage after 208wks. 354 on ANIF (+SOC) vs 561 on SOC alone = ANIF was 59.9% lower SDI (SLE damage index) (HR 0.40) vs those on SOC alone at wk 208.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

AI-assisted diagnosis for immunological disease


A novel machine learning framework – Mal-ID – can decipher an individual’s immune system’s record of past infections and diseases, according to a new study, providing a powerful tool with the potential for diagnosing autoimmune disorders, viral infections, and vaccine responses with precision

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CRP and Hidradenitis Supprativa

A post hoc analysis of 2 phase 3 randomized clinical trials (PIONEER I and II)  of adalimumab vs Placebo in patients with active Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) demonstrated more severe HS that was associated with elevated CRP had a higher BMI. Adalimumab was equally effective in patients

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Korean insurance claims data shows #RA pts have a higher risk of renal cancer (vs gen. population), unrelated to serostatus. The renal CA risk (aHR 1.34;1.04–1.78) was higher in women (aHR 1.57); but RA was not assoc w/ risk of CA of bladder, prostate or testes…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Deucravacitinib in Psoriasis - 5 Year Outcomes

BMS released new five-year results from the POETYK PSO long-term extension (LTE) trial of deucravacitinib in treating patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. The data was presented by Dr. Marc Lebwohl at the Winter Clinical Dermatology Conference in Hawaii

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Japanese study of 781 RA pts (78 dx w/ ILD; most UIP pattern). Mortality higher in RA-ILD (SMR 2.09) vs RA (1.16) vs gen population. Mortality increased w/ ILD (adj HR 2.97), advanced age (1.08/per yr) , and low BMI (3.07)
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Combination biologics in PsA: are we there yet? Combination therapy is well-established in rheumatoid arthritis, but its efficacy in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) remains uncertain. Despite effective treatment options, there is a need for solutions for patients unresponsive to…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
That's not my problem - or is it? Multimorbidity in RA RA can look so easy on the television commercials where patients appear young, healthy, and vibrant on the advertised treatment.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Prevalence of Systemic sclerosis–associated interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD) was 49.8% - Chinese study of 223 SSc (F/U 8.1 yrs). Among SSc-ILD, 64% had progressive disease w/ elevated CRP at Dx as predictor. Overall mortality rate = 24.2% (pneumonia) w/ predictors of age,…

Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Growing Physician Enthusiasm for AI in Healthcare

The AMA has just published the results of a U.S. Physician survey and shown MD attitudes have positively shifted regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare.

The AMA defines AI has having a wide range of potential use cases in healthcare, including but not limited to

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Lupus flares after ESRD? Metanalysis of 34 studies (29 on HD/PD; 5 post transplant/KT) - extra-renal flares seen in 36% of ESRD pts & were significantly higher w/ PD/HD vs KT (OR: 4.36; 1.66-11.47, p=0.0028). Recurrence of LN after KT was 3.4%
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Janet Pope @Janetbirdope #Disease #activity in #axSpA #ASDAS - a crude measure of activity in #ankylosing #spondylitis Is related to #radiographic #progression 👇 ⬆️ CRP May be more predictive #ClinicalPearl⁩ #RNL2025
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
That's not my problem - or is it? Multimorbidity in RA RA can look so easy on the television commercials where patients appear young, healthy, and vibrant on the advertised treatment.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Combination biologics in PsA: are we there yet?

Despite various and efficacious options for management of PsA there is still an unmet need for patients with inadequate responses to current therapies or difficult-to-treat disease. The role of dual biologic therapy targeting different inflammatory pathways has become an area of great interest

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Valentine RNL 2025 Review (2.14.2025)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews highlights from RheumNow Live 2025 held in Dallas, TX on Feb. 8-9, 2025.

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Eric Dein @ericdeinmd B England 75% of RA pts have multi-morbidity Pts develop multi-morbidity BEFORE the onset of RA Should we have different goals: Prioritize LDA over remission in pts w multimorbidity Collaborate w PCP: one size doesn't fit all, do something better than…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Adela Castro @AdelaCastro222 Multimorbidity in Rheumatoid Arthritis: -Affects >75% of pts -Reduces quality of life and increases mortality -Highly associated w/ D2T RA -Requires multidisciplinary care teams (PCP, specialists, case management, PT) -Management should start early…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Jeffrey Curtis @RADoctor Great talk at #RNL2025 by Dr Una Makris on managing geriatric rheumatology patients. How often do we under-treat #Rheumatoid arthritis patients with advanced therapies because we fall into the trap of ageism?
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
TheDaoIndex @KDAO2011 @UnaMakris wants us to shift our approach to #GeriRheum. #RNL2025– remember the 5 M’s Multimorbidity Mind Medications Mobility what Matters most
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

That's not my problem - or is it? Multimorbidity in RA

Traditionally, rheumatologists have often been deferential to the non-articular concerns in RA to other providers, though these issues are often left unaddressed. What role do rheumatologists have in the management of multimorbidity in our patients?

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Eric Dein @ericdeinmd AI models require good Positive Predictive Value (PPV) But: PPV decreases as prevalence decreases - In choosing a successful biologic: Harder to predict more challenging patients (multiple failures, co-morbidities, etc) - ACR50 non-response is higher J…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Adela Castro @AdelaCastro222 How can AI be useful for RA pts and rheumatologists? -AI models have the potential for improving diagnosis, management and outcomes in RA pts. -Can also improve efficiency and clinic workflow. -Not so perfect as it sounds (hallucinations, limited…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Will AI put me out of a job?

The development of AI and other technologies brings new possibilities for optimizing diagnosis, management and has potential for improving outcomes in RA. At RheumNow Live 2025, Dr. Jeff Curtis, University of Alabama at Birmingham, presented a talk on, "AI applied to Rheumatoid Arthritis Care:

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Obinutuzumab Efficacy in Active Lupus Nephritis

A phase 3, randomized controlled trial of an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, obinutuzumab, was shown to be effective and safe in patients with active lupus nephritis.

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