April-May 2016 Top Social Media News Save

In April and May 2016, RheumNow sent 82 tweets regarding news, research and teaching points that strongly impacted the rheumatology community. Publishing this information via Twitter resulted in a reach of 203,500 impressions, with 136 mentions, and over 6378 visits to RheumNow.com. Social media is just one of several ways we deliver information to over 2500 rheumatologists and over 3,000 followers on Twitter and Facebook.
The following is a list of top tweets April and May of 2016. These were selected based on the number of clicks, retweets and likes by the viewership
- The free download from the RheumNow.com website, “A FREE Patient Guide to Biologic Use” was a big hit with many. 13 pages of biologic information for Patient Education (http://buff.ly/1q3FuiO). This was first published on May 8th and viewed by nearly 30,000.
- A comparison of late-onset SLE (>50yrs) patients with those younger than 50 yrs showed that LOSLE had less cutaneous disease (malar rash, photosensitivity, livedo) but more Sicca symptoms (http://buff.ly/1SYhSDz). This was posted on April 4th and amplified to be seen by 21,800.
- Retrospective study from Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston shows that adverse SLE pregnancy outcomes were more commonly observed in those with nephritis, cytopenia, or serositis (http://buff.ly/1TcOcG1). This was reported on May 12th and viewed by 21,400.
- A great review of clinical trial statistics was covered at the FDA hearings on Coxibs and Vioxx. Picture of slide showing P value limitations; chance that P= 0.05 can be reproduced the second time around in another clinical trial is only 57%; p:0.01, chance is 71% for being reproduced (pic.twitter.com/nYkfew9OUn). Posted on May 14th and seen by 17,200.
- Single center cohort study of 192 polymyositis/dermatomyositis patients shows that 17.2% of PM/DM patients get cancer. Cancer was more likely in DM (23%) vs PM (9%) and cancer risk increased with older age, heliotrope and Gottron's papules, dysphagia, and low CPK values (http://buff.ly/1TxNscq). This was published May 25th and seen by 15,900.
- The NEJM publishes the "Chewing Gum Test" which confirms active giant cell arteritis (GCA) by inducing jaw claudication within 3 minutes of 1 chew per second (http://buff.ly/1T88YcJ0). Published on May 11th and read by 12,100 people.
- FDA warns that serious side effects associated with fluoroquinolones use should obviate their use in sinusitis, bronchitis and UTI – where safer Rx options exist (http://buff.ly/1WvdUJl). Published May 13th and viewed by 11,800.
- Recurrent acute anterior uveitis responds to golimumab 50 mg monthly. Results: 12/15 eyes from B27+ AS patients went into remission http://buff.ly/1r0DyIl May 31 with a reach of 12,700.
- A metanalysis of 5 clinical trials and 276 Sjogrens patients showed that Rituximab had no effect on Schirmers, fatigue, ESSDAI & SF36 after 24 weeks of therapy (http://buff.ly/1MmlJ0E ). Published on May 11th and viewed by 9800.
- Late-onset neutropenia is an uncommon side effect with Rituxan therapy; seen 6.5%, and is not usually associated with serious infections. Use of GCSF was not shown to be consistently effective. Retreatment with RTX was possible (http://buff.ly/1WMKrLK). Published on May 24th and seen by 9500.
- A small report showed that Cimzia was successfully given to RA & SpA patients throughout their pregnancy with undetectable CMZ in cord blood; but 3/13 3rd trimester infections http://buff.ly/1Oa1cgh. Published May 10th to 7300 viewers.
The author has no conflicts of interest to disclose related to this subject
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