2024 In Memorium Save

Sadly, in 2024, Rheumatology lost many of our greatest brethren, mentors, do-gooders and clinicians. These clinicians were responsible for the care of hundreds of thousands with MSK problems, while driving the scientific advances that will shape the lives of millions in the future. They did the painstakingly hard work of caring for the most complex patients and did so with zeal, wonder and love. Remember them, honor them, and invoke their names and memories frequently as they are the foundation upon which we rheumatologists stand.
" If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." -- Sir Isaac Newton
Friend and colleague, Dr. Allan Gibofsky, offered the above quote, noting "these Men and Women were the giants for us. Hopefully, they have left us a little bit of their stature , so we can teach the next generation, in their names.
- Dr. Ali Abu-Libdeh (January 19, 2024) of Joplin, MO. He was 78.
- Dr. Salman Anwar (July 18, 2024) from Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. He was 31.
- Steven Baak, MD (August 21, 2024) of St. Louis, MO.
- Gene V. Ball, MD (March 13, 2024) from Birmingham, Alabama. He was 92.
- Carlysle Barfield, MD (November 8, 2024) of Charleston, South Carolina. He was 77.
- J. Claude Bennett, MD (August 11, 2024) of Birmingham, AL. He was 90.
- Harry G. Bluestein, MD (Dec. 20, 2024) from San Diego. He was 85.
- Dr. Henry Brystowski (March 11, 2024) of Oak Park, Michigan. He was 72.
- Caroline Chang, MD (May 2, 2024) from Hawaii. She was 43.
- Dr. Wen-Shiung Chow, (November 15, 2024) from Mankato, Minnesota. He was 72.
- Sheldon M. Cooper, MD (June 6, 2024) from University of Vermont, Burlington. He was 82.
- Joseph D. Croft, MD (Sept. 27, 2024) from Bethesda, MD. He was 88.
- Debashish Danda, MBBS, MD (Feb. 24, 2024) CMC Vellore, India
- Erdal Diri, MD (October 8, 2024) of Minot, MD. He was 61.
- Félix R. Fernández-Madrid, MD (July 30, 2024) of Royal Oak, Michigan. He was 96.
- Mark A. Getz, MD (May 30, 2024) of Morton, IL. He was 64.
- Arthur Grayzel, MD (August 14, 2024) from New York. He was 92.
- Dr. Erika Gromnica-Ihlem (15 November 2024) of Berlin, Germany
- John R. Handy MD (September 5, 2024) in Augusta Georgia. He was 93.
- Charlotte Harris, MD (Sept. 10, 2024) of Evanston, IL. She was 73.
- Halsted Holman, MD (June 22, 2024) from Stanford University. He was 99.
- Brian D. Houston, MD (November 1, 2024) from Morgantown, WV. He was 75.
- Joseph W. Huston, MD (October 20, 2024) from Nashville, TN. He was 78.
- Norman T. Ilowite, MD (July 30, 2024) of Roslyn Heights, New York. He was 70.
- Jeffrey W. Jundt, MD (Feb. 9, 2024) from Temple, TX. He was 68.
- Norman N Kohn, MD (April 14. 20240 of Voorhees NJ. He was 94.
- James J. Lane Jr., MD (April 2024) of Seattle, WA. He was 95.
- Robert James Lloyd Jr, MD (Feb. 4, 2024) from Falls Church, VA. He was 81.
- John A. Magaldi, MD (March 13, 2024) from Litchfield, CT. He was 61.
- Dr. Edwin Victor Martinez de Andino (November 1, 2024) of Augusta, SC. He was 63.
- Rajendra (Raj) Marwah, MD (November 27, 2024) of El Paso, TX. He was 76.
- Elizabeth “Betsy” Mellins, MD (March 24, 2024) from Stanford School of Medicine. She was 72.
- Paul H. Plotz, MD (January 13, 2024) from the NIH/NIAMS, Washington, DC. He was 86.
- Dr. Hector Ramirez (June 11, 2024) from Melbourne, Florida. He was 66.
- Paul G. Rochmis, MD (July 26, 2024) from Vienna, Virginia. He was 85.
- Eng Meng Tan, MD (March 9, 2024) from La Jolla, California. He was 98.
- Prof. Masaki Takeuchi
- David Templin, MD (June 6, 2024) from Alaska. He was 91.
- Professor Douglas J. Veale (22 May 2024) from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
- Dr Richard Taylor (June 2024) from Worcestershire, UK. He was 89.
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Thank you, Jack. Your thoughts are very well put and highly appropriate. Many of these rheumatologists were instrumental in bringing us to where we are today, and where we will be in the future; many were very nice human beings as well. It seems like an honor roll of people who published and cared for people when I was a Fellow and afterwards.
Thanks, Jack, for assembling this list. I see the In Memoriam on the Academy Awards and think that we should be doing something like this in our field and you have done it. Thanks for paying homage to these leaders in our field. Some good memories of seeing them in action in their prime.
Well said Thank you for putting the list together. A moment of silence helps honor them 😔
Dear Jack,
Thank you for this moving piece.
Dr. Naomi Rothfield, an internationally recognized expert in the study of SLE should be included in the list.
Include also,:Dr.Joe Huston Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN, great teacher
Bobo - Thanks for this note. I missed his passing. Joe Huston was a great rheumatologist, better friend, and avid Predators fan! His loss is a big one for Tennessee!
🕊️Rest in peace.
Having worked >30 years in Michigan, have crossed paths with Dr. Madrid, Professor Emeritus at Wayne State University and Dr. Brystowski, longtime Detroit Metro clinician. Both dedicated, bright and highly esteemed rheumatologists who treated and taught so many.
Deepest Sympathy to Family.
Jack this is important work and an important message - thanks so much
I read these names and so many have touched me directly or indirectly
Remember rheumatology is the biggest small club in the world
with loving kindness
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