ACR Best Abstracts - Day 1 Save

The RheumNow faculty reporters have been scouring the meeting and online presentations to find the best abstracts from ACR22. Here are some of their choice abstracts reported today on day 1 of ACR 2022 (#ACRbest).
Let's talk about sex! HPV is prevalent and more aggressive in SLE. This is a novel pilot study to screen for cervical cancer; it also details patients' sex history/habits (only 26% use condoms, 70%+ have had an STD) #ACRBest #ACR22 @rheumnow
— TheDaoIndex (@KDAO2011) November 11, 2022
#ACR22 Abstr#0355 It can take long time for Class V #lupus nephritis (membranous) to improve. Post-hoc analysis showed in 81 pts (31 pure class V), voclosporin reduced UPCR and faster vs MMF. Stable eGFR @RheumNow #ACRBest
— Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof (@Yuz6Yusof) November 12, 2022
Abst0338 #ACR22 Transition from CLE to SLE
— Eric Dein (@ericdeinmd) November 12, 2022
324 cases of incident cutaneous lupus, mean f/u 8 years
26 pts developed SLE. 5.2% transition by 5 years, <3% risk every 5 yrs from 5-20 years
Risk factors: SCLE, younger age, recent diagnosis@RheumNow #ACRBest
Adding MTX to Pegloticase for 52 wks in gout
— Dr. Antoni Chan (@synovialjoints) November 12, 2022
◦ Improved response rate by 30%
◦ Reduced discontinuation rate by 40%
◦ Greater resolution of tophi by 20%
◦ Similar safety profile in MTX vs non-MTX groups
Botson J MIRROR RCT #ACR22 #ACRBest @RheumNow
A group of older patients w/ multimorbidity (5+) drives higher mortality risk in RA.
— Aurelie Najm (@AurelieRheumo) November 12, 2022
Crowson et al. stratification 4 clusters. Each cluster = different outcome, younger cluster w/ few comorbidities = no > mortality
Abstr #0246 #ACR22 @Rheumnow #ACRBest
Ab0344 #ACR22
— Eric Dein (@ericdeinmd) November 12, 2022
CKD2+ a/w incr HCQ levels by 149 ng/mL vs CKD1
400 mg/d dose: incr HCQ levels by 448 ng/mL vs 200
Incr body wt by 15 kg -> decr HCQ levels by 82 ng/mL
Social determinants didn't effect data
>750ng/mL and >1000 predicted of 75% decr flare risk@Rheumnow #ACRBest
Christ et al. 1 year follow up of GUSTO - tocilizumab monotherapy in GCA after 3 days only of steroid. Week 52 - 13/18 in relapse free remission. Week 104 12/18 in relapse free remission @rheumnow #ACR22 Abstr#0470 #ACRbest
— Richard Conway (@RichardPAConway) November 12, 2022
Everyday heroes during #COVID19 Keynote @ACRheum Health care workers who were minorities disproportionately died in the early days of the pandemic. Can’t be all SES as risk but maybe ‘status’ as first line workers. Remember them #ACRBest #ACR22 @RheumNow @AbrahamVerghese 🙏🏻
— Janet Pope (@Janetbirdope) November 12, 2022
#ACR22 Plenary 1. Abstr#0001 Another important use of #methotrexate. MIRROR RCT showed greater response in pegloticase + MTX vs pegloticase + PBO and lower infusion reaction. Be interesting to define MTX dose and ?other DMARDs esp in patients with CKD @RheumNow #ACRBest
— Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof (@Yuz6Yusof) November 12, 2022
#acr22 #abst0003 @RheumNow RECITAL: RTX vs CYC for CTD related ILD:comparable in MCTD, CYC better for myositis related ILD. Both stabilize but not improve FVC in SSc ILD. In SSc RTX but not CYC improved skin thickness by mRss at 24 wks. better safety of RTX vs CYC #acrbest
— Olga Petryna (@DrPetryna) November 12, 2022
Why are #sJIA pts prone to #MAS?
— Bella Mehta (@bella_mehta) November 12, 2022
Potential new treatment target mTORC1?
mTORC1 gene signature in monocytes
Mice models and human translational studies with evidence#ACRBest #ACR22 @rheumnow abst#0004 #stillsdisease #autoinflammatorydisease
Pooled data from belimumab RCTs w/>3,000 pts evaluating kidney outcomes vs PLBO
— Mike Putman (@EBRheum) November 12, 2022
Tagging off BLISS-LN, pooled analysis w/marginal but real benefit to adding BEL in pts with SLE
I offer this to all pts w/SLE LN on MMF, but I do not push it#ACRbest #ACR22 @RheumNow #0352
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