October is PMR Month Save

You'll notice this month that RheumNow is dedicating a significant effort and educational space to the topic of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) during October 2023.
PMR has come a long way from being an occasional referral and often test question, to now being a hot area of drug development and investigation. Led by numerous investigators and educators worldwide, there are new insights into the diagnosis, management and outcomes of PMR patients, with greater clarity on how and where it differs from giant cell arteritis. PMR management has turned modern. RheumNow will highlight these revelations and teaching points during the month of October.
In addition to our regularly scheduled tweets, journal reports, and weekly podcasts, we will feature a plethora of:
- written blogs
- video blogs
- thought-provoking videos called RheumThoughts, designed to elicit your comment on expert opinions
- a Therapeutic Update video series on the Diagnosis of PMR
- numerous QD clinics (real life patient PMR vignettes with KOL takeaways)
- weekly surveys
- weekly Tuesday Nite Rheumatology webinars, featuring an expert panel who will discuss important issues, including diagnosis, monitoring, steroid use, non-steroid therapeutics and PMR controversies
- a video series called “PMR Myth busters, where experts handle common myths, if not mistakes, in PMR care
We've enlisted the wisdom and contribution of numerous leaders, led by PMR mavens Drs. Sarah Mackie, David Liew, and Sebastian Sattui. Other big names in the PMR worlds whom you'll see throughout the month includes Drs. Anisha Dua, Claire Owen, Stephen Paget, Len Calabrese, Robert Spiera, Max Yates, Ken Warrington, Elizabeth Brouwer, Dennis McGonagal, Richard Conway, Michael Putman, and many others we hope will add to this PMR educational campaign.
So, follow along in October 2023 and please participate in our weekly surveys and Tuesday night webinars. Be sure to comment and ask questions to contribute to this exchanges.
Special thanks to Sanofi, the sponsor of this educational campaign.
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