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Effectiveness of Interleukin-6 Receptor Inhibitors versus Conventional Synthetic Immunomodulatory Therapy for Treatment of Frail Patients with Polymyalgia Rheumatica Sponsored by Sanofi
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Effectiveness of IL-6 Receptor Inhibitors versus Methotrexate or any Conventional Immunomodulators in Patients with Steroid Refractory Polymyalgia Rheumatica Sponsored by Sanofi
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
TheDaoIndex @KDAO2011 @UnaMakris wants us to shift our approach to #GeriRheum. #RNL2025– remember the 5 M’s Multimorbidity Mind Medications Mobility what Matters most
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Adela Castro @AdelaCastro222 Are your patients aging with RA, or are they diagnosed with Late Onset RA (LORA)? -LORA pts tend to present acutely -High inflammatory markers~PMR Like -Seronegative/Decreased titers of RF/CCP @UnaMakris #RNL2025
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
TheDaoIndex @KDAO2011 Late onset RA (LORA) aka RA diagnosed at an older age — pts have higher inflammatory markers, presents like PMR; they also have polypharmacy, comorbidities, frailty, etc that can complicate management @UnaMakris #RNL2025 @RheumNow #GeriRheum…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
@RichardPAConway on PMR #RNL2025 @RheumNow PMR mimics: look for mimics in unusual/refractory cases - Suspect the mimics to avoid undertreatment or over-treatment Conway: PMR is NOT easy. Easy to misdiagnosis, easy to mistreat. "One of our most challenging cases"
Eric Dein @ericdeinmd( View Tweet )
Late onset RA (LORA) aka RA diagnosed at an older age — pts have higher inflammatory markers, presents like PMR; they also have polypharmacy, comorbidities, frailty, etc that can complicate management @UnaMakris #RNL2025 @RheumNow #GeriRheum
TheDaoIndex @KDAO2011( View Tweet )
@UnaMakris #RNL25 @RheumNow Older patients w RA 1/3 of pts onset >60-65 - More acute onset, more systemic, more PMR-like, larger jts - Higher IL-6, lower TNF-a, less RF, higher ESR -Co-morbidities, polypharmacy, cognition, depression Age does not equal frailty, but does correlate
Eric Dein @ericdeinmd( View Tweet )
Are your patients aging with RA, or are they diagnosed with Late Onset RA (LORA)? -LORA pts tend to present acutely -High inflammatory markers~PMR Like -Seronegative/Decreased titers of RF/CCP @UnaMakris #RNL2025 @RheumNow
Adela Castro @AdelaCastro222( View Tweet )
BACHELOR Trial - Baricitinib in Early Polymyalgia Rheumatica Lancet reports a French study demonstrating the efficacy of baricitinib in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR). Glucocorticoids are the mainstay of therapy in PMR patients and may be problematic in older…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

BACHELOR Trial - Baricitinib in Early Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Lancet reports a French study demonstrating the efficacy of baricitinib in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR).

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Great table re:side effects of even low dose steroids in RA Likely generalizes to other diseases ie PMR, SLE P in prednisone stands for poison! #ACR24 @RheumNow
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

54K Peptic Ulcers Annually (12.13.2024)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from the past week on

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ICYMI: Say Goodbye to Methotrexate in PMR?

For decades, glucocorticoids (GCs) have formed the backbone of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) management. Whilst previously there was a sense that a “low” GC dose with limited duration was used, we now appreciate just how heterogenous the disease course of PMR can be, with many

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ACR24: Rheumatology Roundup

Join Drs. Jack Cush and Artie Kavanaugh as they review 15+ presentations and abstracts from the 2024 ACR Convergence meeting in Washington, DC.

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The Case for JAKi in PMR Dr. David Liew abstract 0858, Baricitinib in Early Polymyalgia Rheumatica (BACHELOR Study), presented at #ACR24.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Say Goodbye to Methotrexate in PMR? Despite mixed results on its clinical efficacy in three previous randomised controlled trials (RCTs)1-3, methotrexate is considered the most widely used GC sparing agent. #ACR24
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
@drceowen @TheLancetRheum @RheumNow Efficacy in newly diagnosed & established PMR is not necessarily interchangeable different treatment paradigm ?different immunologically Many other diseases have different Rx for induction vs maintenance, early dx vs established. Having said that: doesn't look great for MTX.
David Liew @drdavidliew( View Tweet )
Lot said about #ACR24 ABST1697: MTX in newly diagnosed PMR, neg RCT Many have said no hope for MTX in PMR now Agree doesn't bode well However, MTX may still have role in established PMR @drceowen & I have made that call a priori @TheLancetRheum @RheumNow
David Liew @drdavidliew( View Tweet )

JAKs and Other Drugs in PMR

This has been an interesting ACR meeting in terms of PMR updates. I would argue that we are still far too wedded to glucocorticoids only in the management of PMR. Yes, some patients will do fine with just glucocorticoids but we persist far too long with a glucocorticoid only strategy in others

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I've shared some thoughts on @RheumNow on methotrexate, tocilizumab, and baricitinib in PMR based on #ACR24

Richard Conway @RichardPAConway( View Tweet )

Harkins @DrTrishHarkins et al. Impact of AC joint OA in PMR. 67% of PMR have AC joint OA. Those who do have worse pain and fatigue scores. @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#1974
Richard Conway @RichardPAConway( View Tweet )
Does adding a Clofutriben (HSD-1 inhibitor) w/ prednisone minimize the risks of steroid toxicities in #PMR patients? VS placebo, PMR patients who received Clofutriben + Prednisone had substantial reductions in bone, lipid, and glycemic control parameters @RheumNow #ACR24

Akhil Sood MD @AkhilSoodMD( View Tweet )

Would be helpful for us (and pts) to better understand rimmunotherapy agent specific risk on subsequent GCA/PMR AFTRER propensity matching of >7k pt on combo nivolumab/ipilimumab compared to pembrolizumab: - PMR RR 3.8x N/I vs. P - no diff in GCA risk @RheumNow #ACR24
Brian Jaros, MD @Dr_Brian_MD( View Tweet )

Say Goodbye to Methotrexate in PMR?

For decades, glucocorticoids (GCs) have formed the backbone of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) management. Whilst previously there was a sense that a “low” GC dose with limited duration was used, we now appreciate just how heterogenous the disease course of PMR can be, with many

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