RheumNow Podcast - Unwillingness to Change Therapy (11.19.21) Save
Surely you’ve seen this or been plagued by this patient, one that is not doing well, in need of a new regimen; you outline it, timeline it, define the side effects and send them off with a new prescription.. But you later find out they did not change, did not fill the prescription. Why were they resistant, unwilling to change?
This podcast is devoted to discussing patient satisfaction and factors important in their willingness or unwillingness (resistance) to change therapies.
This discussion is based on ACR21 Abstract 1158. Resistance of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis to Changing Therapy: A 15-year Follow-up, by Kaleb Michaud, from the Univ. Nebraska Medical Center and FORWARD, The National Databank for Rheumatic Diseases.
The author has no conflicts of interest to disclose related to this subject
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