Articles By Anonymous

Dr. Artie Kavanaugh - Don't Stop!
Drs. Cush and Kavanaugh discuss the downside of stopping hydroxychloroquine, DMARDs and biologics in lupus, RA and pregnancy.
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ACR Supports Legislation to Improve Oversight and Transparency of Prior Authorization Use
Rheumatology Leaders Join a Coalition of National Medical Specialties in Urging Congress to Protect Patients from Prior Authorization Requirements in Medicare Advantage Plans
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Employed Physicians Outnumber Self-Employed
For the first time in the United States, employed physicians outnumber self-employed physicians, according to a newly updated study on physician practice arrangements by the American Medical Association (AMA).
Read ArticleBad Knees Through the Ages
The average American today is twice as likely to be diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis as in the years before World War II, Harvard scientists say. And the reasons are less clear than you might think.Based on a study of more than 2,000 skeletons from cadaveric and archaeological collections across the United States, a Harvard report is the first to definitively show that knee osteoarthritis prevalence has dramatically increased in recent decades.
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Who Is At Risk to Lose Insurance if the ACA is Changed or Repealed?
If Congress changes or repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which adults are at risk of losing health insurance?
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The Errors that Underlie 'Medical Errors' in the News
Upon reading the title of a recent news item - 'Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US' - a feeling of apprehension and dread arose. Very quickly, my worst fears were realized.
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A different point of view on RA
Professor Fergus Shanahan, a consultant gastroenterologist and professor of medicine at University College Cork, has an issue with the label “auto-immune” disease being applied to conditions such as RA, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, asthma and type 1 diabetes.
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FDA Enforces New Drug Safety Labeling for Pregnant Women
The traditional FDA pregnancy risk categories (A, B, C, D, X) have been scrapped in favor of a new labeling mandate called the pregnancy and lactation labeling rule (PLLR). This change has been under consideration at the FDA for nearly 2 years and was brought about by the belief that the old
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RA Associated With Higher 90-Day Hospital Readmission Rates Compared to OA After Hip or Knee Arthroplasty
Using administrative claims data, Doctor Jas Singh and colleagues examined readmission rates after hip or knee replacement surgery. RA patients had a higher rate of readmission (8.5% vs 6.7%) compared to OA.
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CKD is a gout risk factor
Impaired renal function is a known primary contributor to hyperuricemia and risk of gout.
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