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Dinosaur Arthritis
The recent edition of Science has an interesting article on the cause of death in a dinosaur - septic arthritis.
Palentologists have unearthed a 70 million year old duck-billed dinosaur near New Jersey and found that the arm bones were not quite right.
Read ArticleRAPID3: An Effective Assessment Tool in Spondyloarthritis
Serial biomarker or clinical metric assessments are ubiquitous and commonly used to assess patients with rheumatoid arthritis (HAQ, CDAI, RAPID3), lupus (C3, C4, dsDNA) and gout (uric acid). But numerous disorders are either harder to assess or have tools or metrics that that are not commonly used.
Read ArticleMRI Findings Match Patients' Experience With RA
Patient-reported outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) correlate independently with measures of inflammation and structural damage on MRI scans, according to data from a longitudinal study.
Read ArticleNerve Growth Factor Inhibitor Compounds Cartilage Loss in Osteoarthritis
Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a key modulator of pain perception, Inhibitors of NGF are being studied in several chronic pain conditions, including osteoarthritis (OA).
Read ArticleProblems with Red Flags in Diagnosing Low Back Pain
There is considerable heterogeneity in "red flags" amongst numerous low back pain (LBP) guidelines worldwide. A "red flags" denotes a finding, which if present, imparts a significantly high risk of underlying serious spinal pathology with considerable subsequent morbidity or mortality.
Read ArticleBiosimilars are Bioequivalent to Original TNF Inhibitors
Chingcuanco and coinvestigators have reported on their comparative analysis of biosimilars and their originator TNF inhibitors in the current issue of Annals of Internal Medicine. (Citation source:
Read ArticleCanakinumab Yields Genetic and Disease Modifying Effects in TRAPS Patients
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) is an autosomal-dominant autoinflammatory disease resulting from mutations of the TNF super family receptor 1A (TNFRSF1A) gene.
Meniscal Tears May Not Need Surgery
A study published in the British Medical Journal examines whether knee surgery or conservative medical management benefits those with degenerative meniscal tears. (Citation source
Read ArticleRheumNow Week in Review - 29 July 2016
Dr Jack Cush reviews this week's highlights from
Read ArticleLong-Term Safety of Adalimumab Reviewed
Burmester and colleagues have published their review of the long-term outcomes and safety issues with the TNF inhibitor, adalimumab (ADA). The analysis included 15,132 patients exposed to adalimumab in global RA clinical trials.
Read ArticlePravastatin Improves Obstetric Outcomes in Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome Patients
Pregnancy complications of anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) have included recurrent abortions, spontaneous fetal loss, preeclampsia, and premature birth. The etiopathogenesis of these events has been presumed to be placental thrombosis or infarction.
Read ArticleNovel Rise of Combined Dermatology-Rheumatology Clinics
Rheumatology News has a novel online report about combined rheumatology-dermatology clinics. In the last several years, there have been a few of these in operation (Boston, Chicago, Rhode Island).
Read ArticleRheumNow Week in Review – 22 July 2016
From tofacitinib developmental trials in RA and psoriasis and adherence to T2T in early RA to a rheumatology pearl about dapsone and much more, here are the highlights of what you may have missed on this week.
Read ArticleFDA Panel Recommends Brodalumab Approval in Psoriasis
Valeant Pharmaceuticals International's experimental drug to treat psoriasis should be approved as long as certain measures are put in place to mitigate the risk of suicide, an advisory committee to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded on Tuesday.
Read ArticleEpigenetic Changes to Inflammasome Found in Autoinflammatory Syndromes
The gene mutations underlying inflammasome activity have been well described, but there appears to be variable penetrance among patients with the same gene mutation, suggesting additional mechanisms may influence disease expression.
Read ArticleLittle Evidence Favoring the Health Benefits of Vitamin D
Vitamin D certainly plays a pivotal role in bone health and immune function.
Read ArticleDEXA Still Needed While on Bisphosphonates
Reuters reports that a study of 6629 Canadian women with osteoporosis taking bisphosphonates found that nearly one in five had a decrease in bone density while on medication. (Citation source:
Read ArticlePrevalence of Spondyloarthropathy in Fibromyalgia
With the introduction of ASAS criteria for the diagnosis of axial and peripheral spondyloarthropathy, there has been a debate about whether patients with fibromyalgia (FM) could be mistaken for a spondyloarthropathy, or vice versa.
Read ArticleSAPHO Syndrome Revisted
SAPHO is an acronym that describes a constellation of findings (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, and osteitis) that defines this rare syndrome.
Read ArticleWill Patent Extensions Delay Biosimilar Arrivals?
In the last 6 months, the FDA Arthritis Advisory Committee has recommended three biosimilars (CT-P13, GP-2015, ABP-501) for approval, with one achieving FDA approval Inflectra/CT-P13) and the other two pending a probable approval in the months to come.
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