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Neurologic Events with TNF Inhibitor Therapy
Demyelinating disorders are an uncommon complication of TNF inhibition and have been described with all TNF inhibitors but also with other biologics.
Read ArticleGet Ready for ICD-10
With three months until the switch from ICD-9 to ICD-10 coding, CMS and the AMA have announced efforts to continue to help physicians get ready ahead of the October 1 deadline.
Read ArticleRheumatology Leads the List in Drug Company Engagements
Based on recently released data, has compiled a list of pharmaceutical payments made to 606,000 US physicians in the last year. Their analysis turned up big differences between the different specialties.
Read ArticleWhat's Your Diagnosis? Hand Arthritis in 57 year old Man
A 57 year old male is referred for arthritis of the hands for the last 8 years. He complains of pain, swelling, stiffness in the fingers only. He denies rash, bowel, urologic or ocular complaints. Over-the-counter NSAIDs have provided only partial relief.
Read ArticleTroponin and BNP in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension
Common cardiac biomarkers could be used to identify patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) at risk for developing pulmonary hypertension, French researchers reported.
Read ArticleLimited Counseling for Increased Sodium Intake in the U.S.
Increased sodium intake has been shown to increase Th17 cell activity, and in animal models high-salt diets have been shown to drive IL-23-dependent TH17 cells to cause experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (citation source ( I
Read ArticleAdalimumab Drug Levels Predict Efficacy
In a prospective study of 311 rheumatoid arthritis patients starting either adalimumab (ADA) or etanercept, investigators sought to correlate drug levels and/or anti-drug antibodies with clinical outcomes (citation source
Read ArticleHalf of US Women are Overweight during Pregnancy
Obesity is associated with adverse outcomes in pregnancy, especially with higher rates of infertility and miscarriage.
Read ArticleThe Unproven Use of Stem Cell Therapy in OA of the Knee
Regenerative medicine and the use of bone marrow stromal cells (or mesenchymal stem cells - MSC) is controversial in many areas of medicine, including osteoarthritis. MSC use is at a very early stage in orthopedic research, but has been investigated in osteoarthritis of the kn
Read ArticleObesity Drives Rheumatoid Arthritis
Systematic review of the literature examined whether obesity is associated with a higher risk of rheumatoid arthritis (citation source and found that obese individuals (BMI > 30) are at
Read ArticleTNF inhibitors in Early Axial SpA Spares NSAID Use
In a 2 year follow-up of the DESIR cohort of patients with early inflammatory back pain (627 patients), TNF inhibitor use was associated with a significantly greater decrease in the median NSAID intake (from 54.9 to 1.9 in TNFi pts versus from 41.9 to 22.3 in non-TNFi pts, p0.05).
Read ArticleUstekinumab Efficacy in Psoriatic Arthritis: 2 Year SUMMIT Trial Results
615 adults with active PsA were randomized to ustekinumab (45mg group or 90mg group) or placebo with crossover at 24 weeks.
Read ArticleUstekinumab Bests TNF Inhibitors for Biologic Survival in Psoriasis
Using drug survival as a global measure of a drug's effectiveness, safety and tolerability, UK investigators used a national pharmacovigilance cohort (British Association of Dermatologists Biologic Interventions Register) to compare survival rates of the first biologic used in 3,523 biologic-naiv
Read ArticleUtility of Drug Levels and Anti-Drug Antibodies When Starting TNF inhibitors
A prospective cohort of 331 patients tested for anti-adalimumab (n=160) and anti-etanercept (n-171) antibodies after initiation of their TNF inhibitor therapy.
Read ArticleFUTURE 2 Trial Shows Secukinumab to be Effective in Psoriatic Arthritis
Lancet today published the results of the phase 3, prospecitive, multinational, double-blind, randomized controlled trial of secukinumab (an anti-IL-17A monoclonal antibody) in active psoriatic arthritis.
Read ArticleMicroscopic Polyangiitis Associated with Pulmonary Fibrosis
Fresolimumab (anti-TGF beta) Improves Systemic Sclerosis
Transforming growth factor (TGF-β) is known to have potent profibrotic activity and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis a futile condition with no effective disease modifying treatments.
Read ArticleManagement of Digital Ulcers in Scleroderma
Currently there are no FDA-approved medications for the treatment of digital ulcerations in the United States. Digital ulcers are a common, unfortunate and difficult to manage consequence of the vascular obliteration and fibrosis that accompanies systemic sclerosis.
Read ArticleACP Backs Supreme Court Decision on Obamacare
ACP has endorsed the Supreme Court ruling that the premium subsidies created by the Affordable Care Act, essential to making coverage affordable to millions, will continue to be available in states where the federal government manages their health insurance marketplaces.
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Drug Shortages - June 2015
RheumNow is committed to reporting safety issues in our monthly Drug Safety Bulletins. Each month we will update you with reports of new, ongoing and resolved Drug Shortages that will affect the practicing rheumatologist.
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