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A Domain-Based Approach to the GRAPPA Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Recommendations

With their publication in June 2022 (1), the 3rd iteration of the Group for Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA) Treatment recommendations for Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) may have set a record or sorts.

Pain in Psoriatic Arthritis

Pain is typically ranked by both patients and physicians as the most important symptom of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) to assess and treat. Although the predominant concept of the etiology of pain in PsA is that of inflammation in peripheral joints, entheses, and bone signaling through peripheral nociceptive fibers, perceived as pain in the central nervous system, it is actually more complex than that. The ability of a treatment to ameliorate pain is one of the principle measures of its effectiveness. Thus pain improvement or worsening are key determinants of shared decision making about treatment in PsA. 

Pregnancy and Psoriatic Arthritis

Patient TS was a 30 year old woman who had been living with psoriatic arthritis for about 18 months. Her symptoms had started about 6 months after the birth of her first child with mild psoriasis in her scalp but increasing joint pain in her hands, wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles.

Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis

It’s been reported that approximately one-third to one-half of patients with psoriatic arthritis will try supplements and other complementary and alternative medicinal (CAM) practices without discussing with their rheumatologists.  Of those, nearly 90% of PsA patients using CAM report benefits!  Here is your updated review on common supplement data in psoriasis and PsA. 

Combined Clinics for PsA

Recognizing the importance of addressing all aspects of disease, we started our joint rheum-derm psoriatic disease clinic at Northwestern shortly after I arrived at the institution, and it has been a tremendous success.

Best of 2018: The Millennial Doctor- Mighty or Mediocre?

A 3rd year medical student started his rotation with me this past week and the rotation was a challenge for us both.

The Millennial Doctor- Mighty or Mediocre?

A 3rd year medical student started his rotation with me this past week and the rotation was a challenge for us both.

Step Into Sunshine

I recently had a follow up with an SLE patient who wanted to discuss sun protection options since moving to Dallas, where we have 232 days of sunshine yearly. Sun protection is important for our patients. As rheumatologists, we have an obligation to go beyond 'avoid the sun or wear sunscreen when you're out' platitudes.

The Week in Review - 13 February 2016

Video highlights from last week's reports, news and tweets on

Dress Syndrome – A Diagnostic and Management Nightmare

The DRESS syndrome is a rare and sometimes catastrophic disorder resulting from specific drug exposures, including allopurinol, minocycline, INH, anticonvulsants or retroviral agents.
