Hip Replacements Lasting 25 Years Save

Lancet reports that, based on a literature review and metanalysis, patients and surgeons can expect a hip replacement to last 25 years in around 58% of patients.
In the USA, there is an estimated 400,000 total hip arthroplasties (THA) annually. UK invesigators set out to answer the question: how long does a hip replacement last?
They included 44 of these series (13 212 total hip placements) from 1003-2017. National joint replacement registries from Australia and Finland provided data for 92 series (215 676 total hip replacements). The 25-year pooled survival of hip replacements from case series was 77·6% (95% CI 76·0–79·2) and from joint replacement registries was 57·9% (95% CI 57·1–58·7).
The mean ages were 58-74 yrs., 55-58% were female and the majority (62-88%) of THAs were for osteoarthritis.
The pooled survival of THA was 89·4% at 15 years, 70·2% at 20 years, and 57·9% at 25 years.
Using the available data, the authors conclude that three-quarters of hip replacements last 15–20 years and just over half of hip replacements last 25 years in patients with osteoarthritis.
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