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Repeat Skin Cancer Risk with Methotrexate and Biologics

Using Medicare claims data, a retrospective cohort study analyzed the risk of a second non-melanomatous skin cancer (NMSC) in 9460 individuals (6841 with RA and 2788 with IBD).

The overall incidence rate of a second NMSC was roughly the same for RA and IBD patients, 58.2 per 1000 person-years and 58.9/1000PY in IBD, respectively.

In RA, methotrexate use for 1 year or more was associated with an increased risk of a second NMSC (HR 1.24; 95% CI, 1.04-1.48).

Compared to methotrexate alone, the addition of TNF inhibitors was also associated with a significantly higher risk of NMSC (HR, 1.49; 95% CI, 1.03-2.16).

No increased risk for a second NMSC was seen with abatacept and rituximab in RA.  A nonsignificant trend was seen with INB patients treated with >1 years of thiopurine or anti-TNF inhibitors 1.49 (95% CI, 0.98-2.27) and 1.36 (95% CI, 0.76-2.44), respectively.

These data were generated in RA and IBD patients with incident NMSC seen between 2006-2012 who had at least 12 months follow up after the discovery of their first NMSC.


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