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TitAIN Study: Secukinumab Efficacy in Giant Cell Arteritis

A phase 2 trial has demonstrated the efficacy of secukinumab, an anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody, in patients with active giant cell arteritis (GCA).

A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre, phase 2 study in Germany enrolled adults (> 50 years) with new-onset or relapsing GCA, despite prior glucocorticoids therapy (prednisolone equivalent dose of 25–60 mg/day).  Patients were given either 300 mg secukinumab or placebo subcutaneously weekly for 4 weeks and then monthly to week 26. Prednisolone dose was tapered down to 0 mg over a 26-week period. The primary endpoint was the sustained remission until week 28. 

A total of 52 patients were enrolled with a median age 75 years (all White). Discontinuations were observed in 4/27 SEC and 8/25 PBO patients.

Sustained remission by week 28 was seen in 70% of SEC versus 20% in the placebo group.  Adverse events were equal between groups and 2 patients (one in each group) died during the study; neither related to study treatment.

Sustained remission was more likely to be achieved in the GCA patients treated with secukinumab. Further studies of secukinumab in giant cell arteritis are needed.


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