ACR Says the New AHCA is Insufficient for Arthritis Patients Save

Dr. Sharad Lakhanpal, MBBS, MD, President of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) has issued a press release condeming the insufficiencies of the newly proposed American Health Care Act (AHCA).
The ACR has studied the AHCAA and are encouraged by no exclusions for pre-existing illness, continued limits on patient copayments, caps on out-of-pocket costs, coverage for children on a parent’s insurance until age 26, and a ban on lifetime limits.
The ACR's focus is to ensure Americans have continued access to rheumatology care that lowers long-term costs and helps patients manage pain, avoid long-term disability, remain active in the workforce, and preserve their quality of life.
Dr. Lakhanpal believes this legislation will hurt patients and rheumatology care. Objections include:
- proposed tax credits based on age rather than income
- allowances for insurers to impose a 12 month 30% premium increase when there is a lapse in coverage >63 days.
- non-recognition of ACR’s recommendations to minimize the administrative burden on doctors and to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).
“We look forward to working with Congressional leaders and the Administration to address these concerns and will continue to provide input on proposed legislation to ensure continued access to vital rheumatology healthcare services,” says Dr. Lakhanpal.
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