RA Guidelines, Methotrexate and Mortal Risks in Gout: November 2015 top social media news Save

Here's what you may have missed: in November 2015, RheumNow published 80 tweets on news, research and teaching points that impact the rheumatology community. We had a reach (impressions) of 79,100, 79 mentions, and over 3399 visits to RheumNow.com to check out what we publish. The average daily “tweet” from RheumNow is seen by 4000-10,000 viewers. Our social media feed is just one of several ways we deliver information to over 2451 rheumatologists and 2393 followers on Twitter.
The following is a list of top social media feeds (tweets) from November 2015 as defined by the number of clicks, retweets and likes.
2015 RA Treatment Guideline Gets a Look. Just as the ACR 2015 commenced the ACR published the long awaited RA treatment guideline that was first presented in 2014. The next 2 days (11/7, 11/8) we published a review of the content buff.ly/1Mn6H8P (viewed by 23,800) and a video buff.ly/1ki0Erj (viewed by 6700) reviewing the weaknesses and shortcomings of these updated guidelines for therapy. Although many were common sense and reflected current practice, many were of low evidence and some were viewed as surprising if not absurd. Read our reviews (links above) and the ACR document (26 authors and 25 pages) and be enlightened!
Five Ways to Use Plaquenil Better, Smarter and Safer in Lupus. Dr. Don Thomas’ (Greenbelt, MD) 11/21/15 blog on the safer and smarter use of HCQ and discusses dosing, retinopathy, retinopathy screening, quinacrine and combination antimalarial was viewed by 17,200. buff.ly/1X4Zz7x Dr. Thomas is author of The Lupus Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Guide for Patients and Families.
Unexpected Ultrasound Abnormalities in Healthy People. This ARD article from France showed that when the joints of 207 healthy people were examined by ultrasound, some abnormality could be detected in 88%. Surprisingly, 52% demonstrated synovial effusions and 13% had synovial hypertrophy, with one-third of these having a power Doppler signal. This got the attention of 10,600 viewers on 11/30/15. buff.ly/1PVg4if
Guidance on Methotrexate Use. On 11/23/15 we tweeted a lay person’s review article on 10 ways to avoid FATAL MTX errors. buff.ly/1OaNZSJ This proved popular with readers (10,100 views). However most of the guidance within was common sense and well known to rheumatologists. (e.g., give daily folate, avoid Bactrim/Augmentin, prescribe only 30 days of drug at a time, and avoid MTX in patients with renal insufficiency). Earlier in the month (11/22/15) another 4100 read about the RheumNow review article wherein Drs. Cush and Kremer (commenting) discuss the issue of alcohol use while on MTX. buff.ly/1T6ysmO
Lupus Skin Disease Slide Download. Each week RheumNow posts a downloadable PowerPoint or practice file/tool download (free for all who register). http://buff.ly/20nP12C This slide was seen by 8900 viewers on 11/2/15 and compares the clinical, serologic and severity differences in those with discoid/chronic LE, subacute cutaneous LE and acute LE skin disease.
Calprotectin as a Biomarker in RA. On 11/18/15 we posted a Cross-sectional study of 33 RA patients receiving TCZ, showing that calprotectin was superior to ESR and CRP in reflecting changes in disease activity. This was viewed by 8600. buff.ly/1MwjZvP
Gout Drugs Can Prevent Death! Not surprisingly a Danish population based study found that people on allopurinol have 11% less cardiovascular mortality and 32% reduction in all all-cause mortality (from 11/25/15, 7000 views) http://buff.ly/1QD2T5K . Another study showed that colchicine use in gout patients nets a 49% lower CV mortality and 73% less all-cause mortality (posted 11/25, 7000 views) http://buff.ly/1MTjPCo .
Benepali – the New EU Biosimilar of Etanercept. Formerly known as the Samsung/Biogen SB4 SB4 biosimilar. Clinical trials were presented to the EMA and favorably reviewed. Expect approval in the EU (for RA, PsA, and SpA & plaque psoriasis) in early 2016. This was posted on 11/23/15 and viewed by 6800. buff.ly/1SU9Ddh
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