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Physician Burnout Remains, Less So in Rheumatology

The 2023 Medscape Survey on Physician burnout ranks rheumatology at #10; which is down from #2 when the survey was last done in 2021.

The survey included over 9100 physcians from 29 specialties. Surprisingly, 53% of MDs claimed to be burnt-out; this was only 42% in 2018. Rheumatologists claimed this 50% of the time. The top 3 specialties in this survey were Emergency medicine (65% of physicians reported burnout), Internal medicine (60%) and Pediatrics (59%) [ previously this was Critical care (51%), Rheumatology (50%) and infectious disease (49%)].

Burnout affects women (63%) more than men (46%) and this trend has grown since 2018 (48% and 38%).

Reasons for burnout included: too many beaurocratic tasks, too many work hours, lack of respect (38%), too many work hours (37%), insufficient compensation (34%), lack of autonomy/control (31%), and EHRs (computerization; 25%). Covid was a factor in 8%. Clinical depression was claimed by 34% but only 13% have sought professional help for their burnout 




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