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RheumNow Podcast – Merry Lupus XMAS (12.20.19)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news from the past week on, just in time for Christmas!

  1. Should AS/SpA pts have ECHO for AI/AR? I say YES; Swedish study of 6448 AS pts shows 2 fold higher risk AI Another ECHO study 187 AS pts shows an incr prevalence (18%) of AI murmur esp w/ longstanding disease or age >50 (>50%)
  2. A retrospective cohort study of CCP+ individuals without RA, were followed, showing that they were more likely to progress to RA in 5 yrs if they had high CCP antibody levels (46%). (HR 4.83 [95% CI 2.51–9.31])
  3. Domestic Abuse Linked to Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
  4. Early Lupus study of 230 pts -Assess by SLICC/ACR Damage Index - 22% had 1Dyslipidaemia (HR 2.9), older age (3.0), #organs/systems (1.4), CVresp Dz (1.9)
  5. Fewer Lupus Flares on Low Dose Steroids   
  6. Is Anifrolumab Good Enough for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus?    
  7. Belimumab in Lupus Nephritis      



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