RheumNow Podcast – Scleroderma and the Lung (3.1.19) Save

Dr. Jack Cush Reviews the news and journal articles from the past week on RheumNow.com
- The new Shingrix, (nonlive) recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) is shown to be highly cost effective, even if only one dose is given. https://t.co/gXAd1sY70K
- Population cross sectional study from Israel analyzed 11,782 RA pts and 57,973 controls. Thyroid disease was increased in RA patients vs controls (16.0% v 11.7%, p < 0.001 HypoT4; OR = 1.42, 95% CI 1.34–1.50) and hyperthyroidism (OR = 1.26). https://t.co/f3UAeLOBGb
- Key features in distinguishing Adult onset Stills disease from Fever of unknown origin: Arthralgia, rash, sore throat, neutrophilia, ferritin >5xULN, LDH based on comparison study of 69 AOSD & 87 FUO pts. 3 or more fever peaks daily makes AOSD less likely. https://t.co/49X4GGludn
- Skin Findings of Dermatomyositis - a few here you may not know about including Holster sign, Psoriasiform changes in scalp, Gottrons sign & papules, heliotrope, Vneck shawl, periungual erythema, facial erythema, erythroderma, calcinosis. https://t.co/IKGSCQ04L1
- Metanalysis of 18 studies shows individuals with mult-site pain have a higher future risk for FALLS (OR = 1.74 (95%CI 1.57–1.93)). For high-quality studies, multisite pain pts have double the odds of a future falls. https://t.co/lZLl8z7SMk
- Nurses Health Study had 1528 incident #RA cases. Current smoking increased risk of seropositive (not Seronegative) RA (HR 1.47). Smoking cessation >10, >20, >30 yrs ago assoc w/ decreasing risk of seropos. RA, but risk still remains > 30 yrs (HR 1.30) https://t.co/1CsIcXtJ1I
- Prospective cohort study of 93 Systemic sclerosis patients with ILD; 2/3 had diffuse SSc. Half had PH diagnosis w/in 7 yrs of SSc onset, 83% Rx with ILD therapy, 83% Rx for PH. Survival rate for SSc-ILD and PH at 3 years after PH diagnosis was 91%. https://t.co/ZmOmWutwxq
- 8.9% of systemic sclerosis pts were ANCA+, denoting a subset with increased risk of ILD (44.8% vs 21.8%, p < 0.001) and pulmonary embolism (8.6% vs 3.0%) in SSc. ANCA should be tested in SSc, as it identifies individuals with worse prognosis https://t.co/WhlEpxFdIG
- Among 548 pts referred to academic pain center & treated for back pain, 42% met fibromyalgia criteria. FM+ pts were more likely to be younger, unemployed, w/ greater pain severity, more neuropathic pain, depression, anxiety & lower physical function https://t.co/gse5CDnJ13
- Taiwanese insurance claims data study shows that Sjogrens syndrome patients (n=13398) have increased risk of osteonecrosis of jaw compared to 54K controls (0.08% vs 0.03%, p=0.017) & also bisphosphonate ONJ (adjusted HR=7.9, p<0.001). https://t.co/qQSV16muNN
- The Johns Hopkins Myositis Center is proud to announce the launch of the Peter Frampton Myositis Research Fund. https://t.co/SAVf1AEdqO Join @peterframpton and our Myositis Center team as we work to improve the lives of those impacted by #myositis https://t.co/BjOOaHYuJq
- Early TNF inhibition in Early Psoriatic Arthritis
- FDA Slaps a Boxed Warning on Febuxostat for CV Risk
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