The RheumNow Week in Review - 16 March 2018 Save

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the highlights from the news, journals and major meetings. Bigtime rheumatologic lessons with tales from intestinal crypts, the friendly skies & the hips of hockey players. Also the microbiome and lupus, benefits of ENT findings with GPA and rare risk of opportunistic infections with biologics.
- Metanalysis of checkpoint inhibitor (nivolumab, pembrolizumab or atezolizumab) shows high rates of hypothyroidism (OR 7.6), pneumonitis (5.4), colitis (2.9), hypophysitis (3.4), rash (2.4), fatigue (32%), diarrhea (19%) and a >20% frequency of arthraligia or back pain.
- Science Translocation of a gut microbe, Enterococcus gallinarum to tissues triggers autoimmunity in mice with a genetic predispositon to lupus. Vancomycin prevented mortality by suppressing E. gallinarum and eliminating pathogenic autoantibodies and T cells.
- An Italian 89 pt GPA study finds ENT involvement in 72%; they tend to be younger with less renal disease. Sinonasal symptoms were seen in 58% and otitis media/otomastoiditis in 35%. ENT involvement predicted better outcomes and milder GPA with risk of lower renal disease and mortality rate.
- Comparing patients who travel by air vs. those by land to/from hospital after TKR, THR, finds 3 fold higher rates of venous thromboembolic events (VTE) (1.64% vs 0.58%)
- Opportunistic Infections in RA Rare with Biologics
- Bone Marrow Edema Found in SI Joint of Athletes
- Plaquenil During Lupus Pregnancy Lessens Flares
- CARES Study- More CV Deaths with Febuxostat
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (goals specific, measureable, attainable, realistic & timely - Christine Bundy)
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