22 September 2017 The RheumNow Week in Review Save

The RheumNow Week in Review discusses the past week's news, journal articles and highlights from RheumNow.com. This week's report discusses survey results on membranous nephritis and patient perceptions of steroids, nonadherence, celebrity arthritis and IgG4 treatment.
- Framingham foot study- those with B/L foot pain have increased odds of knee & hip pain (males and females); ipsilateral foot & hip pain more in men https://t.co/ky2zlL5Dsl
- Survey of glucocorticoid users: "steroids help alot" wherein the benefits outweigh adverse events. Yet AEs more common with GC use -thin skin, bruising, poor sleep, altered mood & moon face https://t.co/NZi5xn6cR4.
- Astounding! Drug nonadherence is as high as 74% in AS, 90% in gout, 50% in PsA, 75% in SLE, 82% in RA https://t.co/eP5yyf996e
- Statin use not assoc. w/ lupus in adults >40yrs; >1 yr of statin use has a 38% lower risk of developing SLE https://t.co/rBJiPKiIZK
- Retrospective review of 464 Polyarticular vs 42 Monarticular Septic arthritis: Many outcomes similar but Polyarticular septic Arthritis were more likely to have preexisting RA, higher SF WBC, longer hospital stays https://t.co/mPgFw13dpo
- Survey of pediatric Rheums vs nephrologists showed nephrologists use less steroids (60% vs 93%) & MMF (53 vs 87%) than Rheums for management of membranous lupus nephritis without nephrotic syndrome. https://t.co/HxT63C7WGV
- RA patients with fibromyalgia (17%) were unlikely to achieve SDAI remission, more pain/comorbidity, worse sleep, higher SF36 MCS https://t.co/E7n0qjVNap
- 50 pt trial of steroid injections vs wrist splinting for carpal tunnel syndrome shows injections with better dexterity, and patient satisfaction https://t.co/0gaYCURTOR
- Selena Gomez recovering from renal transplant due to her Lupus. https://t.co/KtkEIFj8nT
- Lady Gaga has Fibromyalgia. She intends to shine the light on FM in a Netflix documentary "Lady Gaga:Five Foot Two" https://t.co/Z91zU1kcRk
- Mortality with Interstitial Lung Disease in Rheumatoid Arthritis. http://rheumnow.com/content/mortality-interstitial-lung-disease-rheumato...
- Romosuzumab Followed by Alendronate is Best in Fracture Prevention http://rheumnow.com/content/romosuzumab-followed-alendronate-best-fractu...
- Rituximab Efficacy in IgG4 Related Disease http://rheumnow.com/content/rituximab-efficacy-igg4-related-disease
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