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RheumNow Podcast - Scurvy and Mechanics (2-1-19)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews new journal articles, news reports, and more from the past week on

  1. MMWR reports SCURVY outbreak in the Sudanese; NOTE this also occurs where you live, especially in young people with Horrible, monotonous diets. Sxs include arthralgias, lethargy, fatigue, gingival pain/bleeding, hyperkeratotic skin changes, chest pain   
  2. 17.2% of 576 autoimmune pts had Mechanic hands: 50% MCTD; 35% DM; 15% PSS; 15% of UCTD; 14% Sjogren’s; NO SLE pts. 81% Mechanic+ had abnl capillaroscopy. DM w/ Mechanics had more Raynauds, Jo-1+ & abnl capillaroscopy
  3. UK pts w/ hemochromatosis homozygous for HFE p.C282Y finds men 40-70 w/ incr risk of Hemochr Dx, (OR 411), liver Dz (4.3), RA (2.23), OA (2.01) & DM (1.53). Heterozygotes w/ hemochromatosis was more common but morbidity was modest.
  4. Comparison of 187 RA and 157 without inflammatory joint dz, shows a significant association between periodontitis and RA (adjusted OR = 20.57). Periodontitis severity was significantly associated with RA disease activity (p  0.001)
  5. 2014-2015 study of 750K from Southern Sweden shows 24% of OA patients used opioids (2 fold higher than those without knee or hip OA).
  6. 101 kids w/ Takayasus finds 3% mortality in Yr 1, 50% morbidity in 5 yrs. Median onset was 14 yrs, 76%F. Sxs include HTN (70%), BP discrep(55%), bruits (52%), pulse deficits (38%). Artery Inv: Renal (62%), aorta (43%), subclavian (44%), carotid (43%).
  7. No Difference in Oral or IV Antibiotics for Bone & Joint Infections     
  8. Low IBD Risk with Secukinumab   
  9. Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty Shown to Be Ineffective 
  10. Update on Pregnancy Management in RA  



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