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The RheumNow Week in Review – 2 December 2016

Dr. Cush highlights reports from this week on

  1. Tofacitinib is not associated with a higher risk of malignancy.
  2. Men (not women) with obesity or abdominal obesity have a 2-5 time higher risk of developing RA, especialy after age 50 yrs
  3. Takeda 2 yr study of 314 early gout patients showed less acute flares with febuxostat vs placebo (29% v 41%), but not in 1st 6mos. of the study.
  4. Study shows that only 1/5 of seniors receive shingles vaccine
  5. UK study shows that the risk of Giant Cell Arteritis is increased with increasing number of prior infections, less so Herpes zoster.
  6. Psoriatic arthritis sales may grow from $4.53billion (in 2015) to $12.6 billion (2025) in US, France, Germany, Italy,Spain,UK Japan
  7. Claims data of over 500,000 people in metro areas shows that 58% RA patients have seen a rheumatologist and 64% were given a DMARD; but only 30% biologic pts had TB screening test
  8. ACR16 UCSF study shows Lupus patients affected by poverty have greater degree of organ damage vs not poor (1.97 vs 1.34). (Abstract#1958)
  9. Turkish study of 1044 RA patients starting Remicade or Inflectra: More chose REM (80/20), and REM had fewer D/C's (27 vs 44%) Abstract #1233
  10. Lupus nephritis outcomes predicted by Selectivity Index (ratio urinary IgG/transferin clearance) Better outcomes w/ low SI index
  11. ASDAS Activity Correlates with Xray Progression in Spondyloarthritis 
  12. Statins for the Treatment of Osteoporosis
  13. CURES Act: House Passes Largest Bill Since Obamacare 
  14. Rheumatologist Compensation and Manpower
  15. Early Rheumatology: The Contributions of Max Hirsch, MD 


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